Lymphoid Organs Lymphocytes (B,T) Macrophages Antigen presenting cells Capsule (D.C.T. ), Trabecula Stroma: Reticular connective tissue
Lymphoid Organs 1-Central (primary) lymphoid Organs a- Thymus (T lymphocyte) b- Bonemarrow (B lymphocyte) 2- Peripheral (secondary) lymphoid organ a –Tonsil b - Lymph node C- spleen
Thymus=central ( primary lymphoid Organs) Mediastinum Epithelio –reticular cell
Epithelio – reticular cell in cortex Type I : between capsule & cortex,around cortical vessels (Tight Junction) Type II : In Cortex (Desmosome,Tonofilaments ) Type III: between cortex & medulla(Tight Junction)
Epithelio – reticular cell in Medulla Hassals corpuscles
Blood Circulation Medulla A-capillary B-post capillary venule cortex continues capillary Thick basal lamina Epithelio – reticular cell Blood-thymic barrier (Cortex) (High endothelial cell) Receptor T-lymphocyte
Thymic functions : Production and differentiation of T cells Epithelio – reticular cells secret: - thymic humeral factor - thymolin - thymosin – α -thymopoietin differentiation of T-cells Digeorge syndrome (no thymus development)
Lymph nodes
Lymph node Cortex Medulla
Cortex *outer cortex lymphatic follicule B cells * inner cortex (para cortical zone) T cells
inner cortex (T-cell) subcapsular sinus (para cortical zone) outer cortex(B-cell )
Medulla medullary cord B-cell plasma cell Macrophage medullary sinus (lymph)
Lymph Circulation Capsule afferent lymphatic vessel subcapsular sinus pretrabecular sinus (Intermediate sinus ) Medullary sinus efferent lymphatic vessel Hilum
Post capillary venule Lymphocyte(selectin) Recognition High endothelial cell (ligand)
Lymph node Functions : -Production of lymphocyte -Defense -Filteration of lymph Metastasis
Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) Digestive duct Respiratory duct Uro-genital duct 1-Diffuse T-cell, B-cell, Plasma cell 2-Solitary 3-Aggregate(pyers patches&Tonsils)
Tonsils palatin tonsil pharyngeal tonsil lingual tonsil Type of epithelium, number of crypt
Tonsils - Capsule+Trabecula: Dense connective tissue incomplement capsule = organ Epithelium,crypt Stoma: Reticular connective tissue Lymphocyte: T-cell( Diffuse) B-cell (lymphoid follicle)
Palatine tonsils lateral part of oropharynx Number: pairs (2) Epithelium stratified squamous Crypt : 10-20
Lingual tonsils Small, numerous Crypt: one Location: Base of tongue Epithelium: stratified squamons
pharyngeal tonsil Number: 1 Location: supero-posterior of pharynx Adenoid : hypertrophy of tonsil crypt : no crypt epithelium :pseudo stratified
Spleen location Left of abdominal cavity hilum
Structure Capsule+ Trabecula:- Dense connective tissue - smooth muscle cell Stoma: Reticular connective tissue Origin: Mesoderm Cells: Lymphocyte: T-cell, B-cell APC, Macrophage, reticular cell Blood cells
Trabecular artery Trabecular vein
Stoma: Reticular connective tissue Origin: Mesoderm
Parenchyme=pulp Pulb: Reticular cell, lymphocyte, macrophage, APC, blood cells recticular C.T 1-white pulp 2-red pulp
white pulp lymphatic follicule (B-lymphocyte) centeral arteriol
White pulp Central arteriol Peri Arterial lymphatic sheath (PALS ) T-lymphocyte Marginal sinus: (loose C.T) Lymphocyte active macrophage APC interdigitaling dendritic cell blood antigen = immunologic activity
Red pulp - splenic cord (billroth's cord) reticular cell T lymphocyte B lymphocyte blood cells -Sinusoids
Sinusoids elongated endothelia cell long axes parallel long axes of sinusoids) reticular fiber (transvers direction )
Blood circulation splenic artery trabecular artery (PALS) centeral artery(white pulp) pulp arteriol penicillar arteriol sheated arteriol terminal arteriol sinusoids open circulation close circulation pulp venule trabecular vein
Function -production of lymphocyte -defense -destructon of erythrocyte (active macrophage) :RBC heme + globin -production of granulocyte & erythrocyte (pathologic condition) = myeloid metaplasia ) Normal :embryonic period Abnormal: splenomegaly (Anemia, platlet disorders turomato abdomen)
When god says yes, he give you what you want When he says wait, he gives you something better When he says no, he wishes to give you the best