Questions on Multiple Intelligences By 3Di Associates Personal Wellbeing
How often do we stop and think? How often do we allow time to wonder and consider who and what we are, what we value, how we interact with one another? How often do we think about our relationship with others and the world in general? How do we feel? What do we imagine? What do we hope for? The following list of questions are a starting point for a time of reflection and meditation.
So who exactly are you? What inspires you? What do you like? What do you dislike? What makes you feel contented? What makes you want to rejoice in being alive? How do you make decisions? How do you know how to behave? What or who influences you? What do you fear? What excites you? What challenges you? What do you believe in?
More questions What do you value? Are you ever bored? Do you listen to music? What do you read? Do you think and reflect? Do you feel? Can you describe your feelings? Can you describe yourself? How do you feel when you see others suffering? What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What do you want from life?