Choose 1 noun, 1 verb and 1 adjective that you see.


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Presentation transcript:

Choose 1 noun, 1 verb and 1 adjective that you see

Game Time! Each of you have been given a token You are going to have the opportunity to compete for more tokens We will be playing Rock, Paper, Scissors You MUST follow the rules: Two opponents face off and slowly pump their fists, counting “1, 2,3” AFTER you say “3”, you turn your fist into one of three possibilities: – Fist = ROCK – Flat = PAPER – Sideways V = SCISSORS Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock

Winner takes one token from the loser Loser returns to his/her seat and begins answering questions on the board Students can complete as long as they have at least one token Winners will pair off and compete against each other Let’s do a couple of practice rounds to be sure you understand it Ok, BEGIN!

How did you feel at the start of the game? How did you feel when you ran out of tokens and had to quit the game? Explain What tactics could you have used to get back into the game? Why didn’t you try those tactics? Do you think this game was fair? Why or why not? State your reasons Now that the game is over, what action could I take, if any, to make the game fair? Should I take such action? Why or why not? Once you’ve lost your token, turn to page 29 sit down and answer the questions below:

Who is this man?

Karl Marx: Born in Germany in 1818, he was a philosopher of economics Marx witnessed the uncontrolled capitalism of the IR Said that such class warfare would result in a workers’ revolt; an uprising against the wealthy Wrote the Communist Manifesto in which he laid out his plan for a new economic system, Socialism. Eventually, there would be no need for government, all would share for the common good: Communism: a system in which there’s a classless society with no gov’t Marx argued that profit driven capitalism resulted in a class struggle between the rich and the poor or working classes In Socialism, resources are equally distributed by the government for the benefit of all.

Act it out! I need five volunteers Volunteers, come up and put a post it note on the character you want to portray Gather with your team to prepare your “I am” statement that reflect your feelings in the moment depicted in the image You have 3 mins to prepare

Homework You are either a wealthy industrialist or a poor factory worker (choose one) Write a letter to a friend, describing the message of Karl Marx Include the following info: – Your thoughts on his message – Your feelings about the outcome of his message – Your personal plans regarding his message.