Popcorn By Rhys Campbell
Popcorn: from seed 2 snack The popcorn plants are planted It grows into a plant The plants are harvested The kernels are processed You buy it at the store Heat it up in the microwave EAT To see a good long explanation of this, click hereclick here
Flavours You can get popcorn in so many different flavours. For instance: Butter Kettle corn Light butter Butter lovers, and many more
The popcorn experiment which popcorn will yield the most controlovenfrozenSoaked In water Cut in half Will pop Wont popSoggy popcorn Will not pop
Food pyramid Can anybody see where popcorn fits on the new food pyramid. Oh, here's the old food pyramid.
Popcorn poem P opcorn, popcorn, yummy yummy popcorn O n the path from seed 2 snack P opcorn, popcorn, tasty tasty popcorn C orn kernels to popcorn O n my hand then in my mouth R eally really tasty popcorn N o-one can resist the popcorn
Brand names There are three brands/companies that I know that make popcorn, they are: Pop,n,good Natural popcorn Act 2
cooking There are various ways you can cook popcorn. For instance: Microwave Saucepan Oven
I hope you enjoyed I hope you enjoyed my slideshow If there is any slides you would like to go back to, just click on any of the titles below. Popcorn, from seed 2 snack Flavours The popcorn experiment Food pyramid Popcorn poem Brand names
credits Made by: Rhys Campbell, year 6, Waimataitai school Edited by: Rhys Campbell Pictures by: Google Thanks to: Mrs. Waaka Microsoft PowerPoint Google And Bill Gates (if you know what I mean)