16.1- RESTORING HONEST GOVERNMENT Chapter 16- Politics and Protest
A. Graft and Corruption: get money by stealing 1. Gilded Age- greed and corruption was under the surface especially in politics at the National, State and local level Ex) Tweed Ring- robbed NYC of $200 million ( )
B. Scandal in the White House- Ulysses S. Grant 1. Brother in law- attempted to control the gold market but he failed 2. Colfax V.P.- contracts Credit Mobilier; over charge by $20 million- those in the government get money 3. Spoils system- in government jobs 4. Idea- civil service test-jobs based on ability 5.Election- Grant re-elected Despite scandals **war hero**
C. The Struggle for Reform Rutherford B. Hayes (Rep) supported civil service reform 2. Republican party split which caused reform to slow 1.Stalwarts- oppose reform/conservative 2.Half breeds- support reform/liberal James Garfield becomes Pres. Reform, right? Wrong. - Half-breed who was shot and killed by a stalwart 1.V.P. becomes Pres.- Arthur (stalwart)- sympathy leads to reform Pendleton Civil Service Act- test is still in effect today 1.Jobs based on merit not favoritism - Women, minorities, military= extra points - Opposed and no reelection for Arthur
D. Advances and Setbacks 1. Cleveland Democratic Grover Cleveland 1.Determined to gain trust and improve reforms -Doubling jobs that required civil service test Ended political favors 2. democrats upset many, loses 1888 election 3. Benjamin Harrison- wins presidency - Weakened reforms - Filled every job not tested with Rep’s -Congress (controlled by Rep) spent $ freely- called the “Billion Dollar Congress” -Comparison page 490