Chronicle/Judge the ESP policies that were created in the USA and CSA during the Civil War
1.What do countries have to do in a Total War to survive? (2) a.Tax (USA + CSA) b.Draft Soldiers Especially after Shiloh & Antietam (casualties there causes dire need for soldiers) Conscription Act of 1863 in USA
North –$$$$ much do you pay? $300…back then was that a lot of money? South –Owning 20+ Slaves… How many people owned 20+ slaves?
Who fights this war? –Poor –Immigrants right off the boat… which ones? What do we see here? –NYC draft riots (July 1863)
Lincoln worries about losing who? –Border States who are itching to SECEDE!!! Many solutions –Martial Law put in KY and MD –Secessionist NPs shut down –Writ of Habeas Corpus suspended (in Const)
Lincoln only President to issue Martial Law in US History 13K Americans imprisoned without trial during Civil War Lincoln imprisoned Northern Democrats who sympathized with CSA
“I have heard, in such way as to believe it, of your recently saying that both the Army and the Government needed a Dictator. Of course it was not for this, but in spite of it, that I have given you the command. Only those generals who gain successes, can set up dictators. What I now ask of you is military success, and I will risk the dictatorship. The government will support you to the utmost of its ability, which is neither more nor less than it has done and will do for all commanders.” Pres Lincoln to Gen. Hooker, Jan. 26, 1863Pres Lincoln to Gen. Hooker, Jan. 26, 1863
There are about 9 historical comments you can make from this clip (23mins to 30mins)
a.US Army before and after the EP –Before = ??? –After = freed right away b.Slave actions… –Went on strike –Built gallows!!! –Ran away and followed Union army c.CSA actions –EP Response… –Slave labor to Industrialize
a.1863, Union army has a big problem… –“Low” in man power b.After EP, the US gov does what? –blacks allowed to enroll…they come with enthusiasm
Black Solder numbers = 180K by the end of the war in 1865 –Only 10% of the USA army, but “turn the tide” (Abe) –85% of the black enlistees were former slaves Overall feeling black soldiers had was… –They would win the war –They were the liberators
Discrimination & Segregation (Korean) Only Sergeant rank… –Army never wanted blacks commanding whites $16 vs $7 What were Black soldiers used for more early on? –Labor (Sherman) –Indian Idea –Unfortunate epiphany on how to use blacks
And it came true And it came true –20% of Black soldiers DIED in Civil War –14% of all USA troops DIED (including blacks) –34% of CSA troops DIED Make us do more of the fighting!! There will be fewer white casualties!
One black Regiment refused to fight until equal pay given…One black Regiment refused to fight until equal pay given… –Black sergeant executed 1864 = Congress approved equal pay1864 = Congress approved equal pay
Member of the 54 th MA Regiment (Glory) Medal of Honor for his actions on the attack on Fort Wagner