The Tampa Nick Yun
Background Info The Palapa, a fishing boat, was stranded in international waters In August 2001, Tampa, a norwegian ship used for carrying containers, manufactured in Korea, had rescued 438 Afghans from a distressed fishing vessel in international waters. The ship that should have bound for Indonesian ports, went to Christmas Island, Australian territory, which was closer. Australia refused to allow the ship to enter their territorial waters, but captain Rinnan entered anyways for the sake of the 438 assylums.
Continued The ship was stopped by Australian special forces by the Prime Minister. The Australian begged the ship be taken to Indonesia or Norway but was refused They finally came up with the Pacific Solution and was taken to Nauru instead of Australia where the refugee status’ were considered and taken care of.
Policy According to international law, survivors of a shipwreck are to be taken to the closest suitable port for medical treatment. Christmas Island, an Australian territory, lies within a zone designated as Indonesia’s responsibility for rescue according to an agreement made in 1990 between Australia and Indonesia.
Political effects Australia was criticized by many countries mainly Norway accusing it of evading human rights responsibilities. Domestically, the government popularity rose being able to defend the crisis especially after 9/11 attack on the twin towers.