Do Now Complete 3, 2, 1 3 things you learned about linear functions 2 things you would like to know more about 1 thing you still have a questions about
Step 1 Pick up one color pencil. Write your name at the top with your color. Number the angles as follows Pass to the right
Step 2 Label one pair of alternate interior angles with stars. Pass to the right.
Step 3 Label ONE pair of same side interior angles with a circle. Pass to the right.
Step 4 Label ONE pair of alternate exterior angles with a square. Pass to the right.
Step 5 Label ONE pair of corresponding angles with a smiley face. Pass to the right.
On the back Solve the following problem. If the measure of angle 3 is x-27 and the measure of angle 5 is 2x, find the value of both angles. X-27 2x
Finally... Review the work from each student. Ask questions of each other if you do not understand something. Choose the paper that your group feels is the best representation of angle relationships.
Small Group Work Complete activity from yesterday Homework - worksheet
Do Now- Use your whiteboards Using the Triangle Sum Theorem, find the measure of each angle in degrees.
Exterior Angle Theorem Supplies Needed: Go Math – page 356 Straight Edge
In Pairs Draw a large scalene triangle ABC on a piece of construction paper. Label the interior angles 1,2, and 3. Draw all six of the exterior angles and label them angles 4-9.
NEXT... Trace triangle ABC on another sheet of paper and label its angles 1-3. Cut out the triangle carefully and tear off the three corners with the numbers on it. 1 32
NOW... Place two of the torn remote interior angles over its exterior angle. What do you notice? Talk to your partner. Be prepared to share what your partner said.
With your partner Lets put together what we learned about equations and what we learned about the relationships of angles in a triangle. – page 358 Find the measures of the angles using: Triangle Sum Theorem – The three interior angles in a triangle equal 180°. Exterior Angle Theorem – The measure of the exterior angle is equal to the sum of its remote interior angles.
Word Wall Please create a poster for the word wall: Choose one word 1.Interior Angle 2.Exterior Angle 3.Remote Interior Angle