Benchmarking Your Policy Hillsborough Parks: A True Story
Tax Reform Recession Conservative Elected Officials Parks Budget Imploded VERY Tradition of Free Parks
Alternatives Available Facility Closures Shut Down Programs Sell Assets Expand/Raise Usage Fees
How Do We Inform Policy Choices? We use data to: Describe current situation Quantify different business models Project outcomes from our choices
How NOT to Inform Policy Makers? Dazzle them with data Tell them their policy must change Assume they think like you do DO NOT:
Simple Steps to Inform Policy Makers Craft your message to audience Choose correct media/medium for your message Pick the right messenger
Our Message Not We must raise fees ….Instead Everybody else charges WAY more than us
Our Media/Medium FBC Data To The Rescue
The Messenger An Outsider Not invested to the problem An expert in policy
Florida Benchmarking Consortium (FBC): An Overview © The Florida Benchmarking Consortium 2009 Presentation by Larry Martin, PhD to Hillsborough BOCC, Spring 2009
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY TAMPA, FLORIDA BOARD POLICY – SECTION NO.: SUBJECT: FEE SCHEDULE FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY PARKS, RECREATION AND CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: March 3, 2010 SUPERSEDES: September 2, 2009 Purpose: To establish a user fee schedule for the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department. Policy: The Board of County Commissioners retains authority to review and approve a user fee schedule for services in Parks, Recreation and Conservation for athletics, managed parks, and recreation. Revised Fee Schedule attached.
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