International Hydrographic Organization Nautical Information Provision Working Group 1 st Meeting - Monaco 29 June -3 July 2015 Agenda item 22 Coordination with the initiative of the International Harbour Masters’ Association (IHMA) on Port Call Optimization IHB
Background IHMA IHMA non-governmental international organizationnon-governmental international organization accredited as an observer to the IHOaccredited as an observer to the IHO harbour masters from all types of ports (large / small, public / private)harbour masters from all types of ports (large / small, public / private) 200 members from 40 different countries200 members from 40 different countries Requirements of shipping lines Requirements of shipping lines port efficiencyport efficiency reliable berth-to-berth passage planningreliable berth-to-berth passage planning Establishment of a joint industry task force bringing shipping and ports together to promote “Port Call Optimization” Establishment of a joint industry task force bringing shipping and ports together to promote “Port Call Optimization”
Port Call Optimization What: improving the quality and availability of What: improving the quality and availability of port data (vessel – berth compatibility)port data (vessel – berth compatibility) - depths - tides - admission policies (underkeel clearance) AVANTI project (presented at SNPWG-17) event data (planning)event data (planning) PRONTO project
Port Call Optimization How: development of prototype web-based applications How: development of prototype web-based applications Use of “internationally accepted standards and formats suitable for shipping’s worldwide requirements”Use of “internationally accepted standards and formats suitable for shipping’s worldwide requirements” Coordination by a joint task forceCoordination by a joint task force - oil and gas industry (Shell; Vopak Agencies) - shipping industry (Maersk; CMA CGM) - ports (Rotterdam, Netherlands; Gothenburg, Sweden) - “building partners”: AVANTI: UKHO PRONTO: GS1 (NGIO developing standards for supply and demand chains )
Relations with the IHO A number of issues relate to the scope of the IHO A number of issues relate to the scope of the IHO to be considered at HSSC-7to be considered at HSSC-7 Two core issues within the scope of the NIPWG Two core issues within the scope of the NIPWG standardization, collection and dissemination of nautical port information (task F refers)standardization, collection and dissemination of nautical port information (task F refers) definition, standardization and implementation of the Maritime Service Portfolios in the context of the e- navigation strategy implementation plan (task G refers)definition, standardization and implementation of the Maritime Service Portfolios in the context of the e- navigation strategy implementation plan (task G refers) It is recommended that the NIPWG considers ways and means to coordinate the relevant tasks of its Work Plan with the IHMA initiative on “Port Call Optimization”
Justification and impact Coordinate IHMA initiative with IHO and HO activities Coordinate IHMA initiative with IHO and HO activities Maintain the consistency and reliability of nautical information services Maintain the consistency and reliability of nautical information services Resource implication? Resource implication? NIPWGNIPWG S-100WGS-100WG
Action requested of the NIPWG Note this report Note this report Consider the recommendation that the NIPWG considers ways and means to coordinate the relevant tasks of its Work Plan with the IHMA initiative on “Port Call Optimization” Consider the recommendation that the NIPWG considers ways and means to coordinate the relevant tasks of its Work Plan with the IHMA initiative on “Port Call Optimization” Take any other actions as it considers appropriate Take any other actions as it considers appropriate