EWB-USA Principles of Development
Our Mission EWB-USA supports community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders. Our Vision Our vision is a world in which the communities we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs, and that our members have enriched global perspectives through the innovative professional educational opportunities that the EWB- USA program provides. EWB-USA
EWB-USA Principles of Development Why define our principles?
EWB-USA Principles of Development Why define our principles? We must clarify organizational priorities for our members.
EWB-USA Principles of Development Who is affected?
EWB-USA Principles of Development Who is affected? - Each one of us should embody the principles of the organization.
EWB-USA Principles of Development Who is affected? - Our partner communities are affected by a consistent approach to development.
EWB-USA Principles of Development What do these principles mean for you?
EWB-USA Principles of Development What do these principles mean for you? These define what it means to be a part of EWB-USA.
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN All EWB-USA programs are community based.
EWB-USA Principles of Development Mission Engineers Without Borders – USA supports community-driven development programs worldwide through the design and implementation of sustainable engineering projects, while fostering responsible leadership. 1. COMMUNITY DRIVEN
EWB-USA Principles of Development What we are looking for in EWB-USA Programs*: The Program’s mission is well defined and in-line with EWB-USA’s mission. The Program and each project within the Program can realistically be developed by a group of volunteers. Each project cost is reasonable for the chapter to fundraise. The Program will benefit the entire community and will not discriminate against members of the community. There is community involvement and participation in all phases of the program. The community is willing and able to contribute to each project within the program in the form of: labor, materials, food, lodging, funds, etc. There is an existing or potential in-country partner organization, such as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), community organization, and/or local committee. 1. COMMUNITY DRIVEN * The 501 New Program/1 st Project application form is available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Project Process/Start a Program tab.
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN COMMITMENT EWB-USA chapters develop a partnership with a community that lasts at least five years.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 2. COMMITMENT * Example documents, including the Community Agreement, are located on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Project Resources/Example Documents tab. Community Agreement/Contract* Two-way or three-way agreement identifying roles and responsibilities of all parties to the project for the life of the project Evolves with the development of the project Includes input and modifications by the community Accounts for construction phase and long-term operations and maintenance Expectations management document
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN COMMITMENT QUALITY EWB-USA chapters are required to comply with the established project process.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 3. QUALITY Project Reporting Process* 521 – Pre-Assessment: Planning for an assessment trip 522 – Post-Assessment: Document an assessment trip 523 – Alternatives Analysis: Present design options 524 – Preliminary Design: Presentation of pre-design 525 – Pre-Implementation: Planning for implementation 526 – Post-Implementation: Documenting what was built on an implementation trip 530 – Pre-Monitoring: Planning for a project monitoring trip 531 – Post-Monitoring: Documenting the current status of implemented projects 527 – Program Closeout: Documenting the closeout of a program * A useful, 1-page summary of the Reporting Process is available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Project Process/Reporting Process tab, third paragraph on the page.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 3. QUALITY * A useful, 1-page summary of the Reporting Process is available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Project Process/Reporting Process tab, third paragraph on the page.
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN COMMITMENT QUALITY SAFETY EWB-USA chapters shall hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of the public in all aspects of their work.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 4. SAFETY * A complete description of the Health and Safety Program and all of the related tools are available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Project Process/Health and Safety Program tab. Project Health and Safety Requirements* A comprehensive Health and Safety Plan (HASP) is required to travel on EWB-USA assessment, implementation and monitoring trips. Your submittal will not be reviewed without this plan. Two people trained in First Aid and CPR are required for all trips. Health and Safety Points to note Safety incident reports must be sent in upon the team’s return. This applies to any incident which requires medical attention outside of the travel team’s first aid kit. A more thorough Health and Safety presentation is scheduled in your agenda. Check it out and stay informed!
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN COMMITMENT QUALITY SAFETY EXPERTISE EWB-USA chapters shall perform services only in their area of expertise.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 5. EXPERTISE * A complete description of the Professional Mentor/Technical Lead requirements is available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Chapter Resources/Sourcebook Downloads, Section 4. Professional Chapters tab. Professional Mentor/Technical Lead Requirements* Technical Qualifications: 3-7 years of applicable design and construction experience Non-Technical Qualifications: Ability to mentor effectively Understanding of the fundamentals of community-driven development Flexibility to travel with the team Establish long-term commitment to project Statement of Intent: Acknowledge responsibility Responsibility/Liability: EWB-USA has E&O for all paid members Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 GOOD JUDGMENT!
EWB-USA Principles of Development 5. EXPERTISE PROJECT LEVEL IMPACT OF FAILURE REQUIRED PROFESSIONAL MENTOR/TECHNICAL LEAD QUALIFICATIONS EXAMPLES Level 1 Failure of the project may result in death, severe illness, injury, or significant damage of property. Licensed Engineer with at least 7 years of direct experience in design and construction of infrastructure similar to that proposed in the project. Each mentor is subject to approval by EWB-USA project managers. Most construction projects including buildings and bridges and large-scale water projects. Level 2 Failure of the project would not result in death, severe illness or injury. However, some damage to property is possible. Professional with at least 5 years of direct professional experience (post bachelor ’ s degree) in design and construction of infrastructure similar to that proposed in the project. Each mentor is subject to approval by EWB-USA project managers. Water supply, water treatment, sanitation, and energy projects. Level 3 Failure of project would not result in significant damage beyond limited economic loss. Professional with 3 years of direct professional experience in design and construction of infrastructure similar to that proposed in the project. Each mentor is subject to approval by EWB-USA project managers. Agriculture, improved stoves, computer systems, and other similar projects. * A complete description of the Professional Mentor/Technical Lead requirements is available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Chapter Resources/Sourcebook Downloads, Downloads and Forms, Section 4. Professional Chapters, #405. Technical Qualifications
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN COMMITMENT QUALITY SAFETY EXPERTISE APPROPRIATENESS EWB-USA chapters partner with communities to implement proven infrastructure technologies that are appropriate for the community.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 6. APPROPRIATENESS * A complete table of links to the Project Process documents is available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Chapter Resources/Sourcebook Downloads, Section 5. Projects tab. Comprehensive Studies* Assessment Plan: Community needs assessment in addition to technical data gathering In person, observational data is as important as technical data Thorough discussions with community groups, municipal leaders, local organizations for complete picture Alternatives Analysis: Study more than the technical merits of your design Consider capital and maintenance costs in budget analysis Social implications of chosen maintenance staff
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN COMMITMENT QUALITY SAFETY EXPERTISE APPROPRIATENESS SUSTAINABILITY EWB-USA chapters partner with communities to implement infrastructure technologies that are sustainable by the community.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 7. SUSTAINABILITY * Links to the instructions and report template for a Monitoring trip are available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Chapter Resources/Sourcebook Downloads, Downloads and Forms, Section 5. Projects, #530 and #531. Pre- and Post-Monitoring Trip Reports* EWB-USA Chapters are required to conduct a Monitoring trip at least one year after the completion of the final project. The 530 and 531 reports serve to plan and document that trip. Our Monitoring and Evaluation Program is developing. These tools are the first step in a series of documents that will be used to evaluate the status of our projects. The development of this program begins with the chapters and their reporting on the failures and successes of their work.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 7. SUSTAINABILITY * Links to the instructions and report template for a Monitoring trip are available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Chapter Resources/Sourcebook Downloads, Section 5. Projects tab. EWB-USA Project Monitoring* Three simple questions over time: 1. Does the project function as designed? Criteria by which we must evaluate this project. We know the community has maintained it. We know they can afford it. 2.Has the community enhanced the project? We know the community can afford it. We know they understand it technically. We know they have taken ownership of it. 3.Has the community replicated the project? We know the technology is appropriate.
EWB-USA Principles of Development COMMUNITY DRIVEN COMMITMENT QUALITY SAFETY EXPERTISE APPROPRIATENESS SUSTAINABILITY PARTNERS EWB-USA chapters will have an in-country partner organization that assists with the non- engineering aspects of the program.
EWB-USA Principles of Development 8. PARTNERS
EWB-USA Principles of Development 9. EDUCATION Two Types of Education in EWB-USA Projects* 1.Education of our partner communities: Training on the technology Business development tools Leadership and committee structure 2. Education of our members: Technical training Cultural awareness Engineering project development * Technical webinars are one way we educate our membership. These and other educational tools are available on the website in the Member Pages section, under the Project Resources tab.
EWB-USA Principles of Development Thank you! Any questions?