Jae Lee December 4, 2008 World History G Ludwig van Beethoven
Early Life Baptized December 17, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. Family originated from Brabant, Belgium. Seven children in the family, but only 3 boys survived and he was the oldest. Had an early interest for music.
Parents Father originated from Brabant, Belgium. –Liked to drink Mother was described as a gentle, retiring woman, with a warm heart. –Passed away on July 17 th, Caused Beethoven much pain. Father taught Beethoven music at an early age, determined to raise a protégé.
First Works Gave his first public performance at Cologne when he was 7 and a half on March 26, Published his first work before the age of 12, and became an organist of the court of Maximilian Franz, Elector of Cologne, when he was 14.
Cause of Death He died in Vienna, March 26, He turned deaf before he died. Asked for future people to find out what caused his death and illnesses. Scientists believe that his cause of death was lead poisoning.
Beethoven’s Periods of Music Early period-he was attempting to master the high classical style. He created the second symphony during this period. Middle period-This lasted from , he started developing high classical styles into a more dynamic and individualistic style. He created symphonies number 3- 8 during this time, piano concert Number 5, and more chamber music. During this time, his hearing was getting worse and worse. Late period-His music is described as less dramatic and more introvert. He created Symphony Number 9 during this time. Second Symphony 7 th Symphony 9 th Symphony
Citations "Beethoven's Letters - Google Book Search." Google Book Search. 3 Dec "Beethoven: The Immortal." I Welcome You. 3 Dec "Beethoven?s wish fulfilled." World Science - Science News. 3 Dec "Biography: Beethoven's life - Ludwig van Beethoven's website - Dominique PRÉVOT." Ludwig van Beethoven : le site - Ludwig van Beethoven's Website - Ludwig van Beethoven in immagini ed in musica. Dominique PREVOT. 3 Dec "Ludwig van Beethoven - Biography." home. 3 Dec "Ludwig van Beethoven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 3 Dec "Ludwig van Beethoven." ppbWiki: Main, HomePage browse. 3 Dec "Ludwig van Beethoven: A Who2 Profile." Who2.com - Find Famous People Fast!. 3 Dec Pictures beethoven.com/poze/bet1.jpg&imgrefurl= beethoven.com/beethovenchildhood1.html&usg=__E6VyoCz4z7FtsHoNS4- XeuP3Z0U=&h=232&w=165&sz=8&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=Kl0wn3wJKS5O5M :&tbnh=109&tbnw=78&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbeethoven,%2Byoung%26um%3D1 %26hl%3Den