Antonio Lucio Vivaldi By: Vallie Etienne.
Early Life: His life: March 4, 1678 – July 28, 1741, making him 63 years old at death. He was a Vietian priest. His father was a barber before becoming a violinist. His father taught Vivaldi how to play the violin, and they toured Venice together. Antonio’s first lessons are believed to be from Giovanni Legrenzi.
Early Life(cont.): Was believed to have a breathing problem—most likely a form of asthma. This restricted him from playing wind instruments. 1693: started studying to become a priest. 1703: ordained a priest, and given the nickname “il Prete Rosso”.
His First Career September 1703: Vivaldi became a master of violin at an orphanage called the “Pio Conservatorio dell'Ospedale della Pietà” Vivaldi wrote most of his concertos, cantatas, and sacred music in the orphans’s honor. 1709: He was fired
His First Career(cont.) 1705: His first collection of sonatas was published. 1709: His first collection of concerti was published(this collection is believed to be his most successful.) 1723-1733: Vivaldi was paid for 140 concerti
The Opera =) In 18th century Venice, opera was the most popular and profitable form of entertainment 1713: “Ottone in Villa” was preformed in Vicenza The next year: “Orlando Finto Pazzo” left the audience disappointed. 1715: “Nerone fatto Cesare” = success!
More Opera =) 1716: “La costanza trionfante degli amori e degli odi” and “L’incoronazione di Dario” They were combined into one piece called “Artabano re dei Parti” This was preformed in Prague His modern style of opera made him the target of dislike among other composers.
Being Middle Aged: 1717: He was appointed “Maestro di Cappella” of the court of the prince Phillip of Hesse-Darmstadt Under this title, his best-known opera was “Tito Manilo” 1721: He wrote a drama called “La Silvia” and “L'adorazione delli tre re magi al bambino Gesù” the next year
Being Middle Aged Even Longer: 1722: He moved to Rome where his modern style of opera was unheard of. 1725: He returned to Venice and composed the Four Seasons
Old Age: Vivaldi was held very high in esteem 1728: He met Emperor Charles VI The Empereor knighted him, presented him with a gold medal, and invited him back to Vienna In return, Vivaldi gave him a copy of “Le Cetra”
Even Older Age: 1730: He traveled to Vienna and Prague with his father and preformed Farnace. Financial dificulties He sold his manuscripts for a permanent migration to Vienna After finally arriving to Vienna, Charles VI died
The Oldest it Gets: Vivaldi died not long after on July 28, 1741 His funeral was held in Saint Stephen’s Cathedral.
CITATIONS: Micheal, Tablot. "Antonio Vivaldi." Wikipedia. 29 Oct. 2009. WikiPublishing, Web. 22 Oct 2009. <>. Matt, Boynich. "BAROQUE Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)." 29 Oct. 2009. WikiPublishing, Web. 22 Oct 2009. <>. Kerby, Emma. "Classical Net." Antonia Lucio Vivaldi. 2009. The Enlgish Concert, Web. 22 Oct 2009. <>.