VERTICAL EXPRESSION LEADERSHIP SCHEDULE August 26:Jerry Munoz September 9:Pastor Vega September 23:Tom McIntosh October 14:Ken Morrison October 28:Pastor Vega November 11:Andrew May November 25:Pastor Vega December 9:CONNECT VERTICAL EXPRESSION LEADERSHIP SCHEDULE August 26:Jerry Munoz September 9:Pastor Vega September 23:Tom McIntosh October 14:Ken Morrison October 28:Pastor Vega November 11:Andrew May November 25:Pastor Vega December 9:CONNECT 1712 E Busch Blvd,Tampa, FL, (18 th St) Lead Pastor: Louie Vega Lead Worshipper: Vicky Vega Administrator: Tom McIntosh Small Group Director: Andrew May Dir. of Musicians: Jerry Munoz Children’s Director: Becky McCleary Welcome Center: Rosa Moreno Pantry Ministry: John Moreno 8/16/15 – 2 Cor. 4:7-18 Tithes & Offerings for August 2015 Tithes for 7/05/15: $1, Designated $50.00 Tithes for 7/12/15: $1, Designated $50.00 Tithes for 7/19/15: Designated Tithes for 7/26/15 Designated Total Tithes: $2, Total Offerings: $ Short This Month: $ 1, (Thank You to All Who Remain faithful) General Funds Needed Per Week: $1, General Funds Needed This Month: $7, Total Missed For: Week 1: $ ; Week 2: $ Week 3: $ - Week 4: $ Week 5: $ Let’s remain encouraged because God remains the Chief cornerstone & the head of CTW. He will continue to provide for us. Do not look to the left nor the right, but fix your eyes on Jesus, the author & finisher of our faith. He cannot fail us!!! Tithes & Offerings for August 2015 Tithes for 7/05/15: $1, Designated $50.00 Tithes for 7/12/15: $1, Designated $50.00 Tithes for 7/19/15: Designated Tithes for 7/26/15 Designated Total Tithes: $2, Total Offerings: $ Short This Month: $ 1, (Thank You to All Who Remain faithful) General Funds Needed Per Week: $1, General Funds Needed This Month: $7, Total Missed For: Week 1: $ ; Week 2: $ Week 3: $ - Week 4: $ Week 5: $ Let’s remain encouraged because God remains the Chief cornerstone & the head of CTW. He will continue to provide for us. Do not look to the left nor the right, but fix your eyes on Jesus, the author & finisher of our faith. He cannot fail us!!!
Events in the Month of August: 1 st Saturday (1 st ) – Outreach with Pastor Vega (meet & greet & tracts) 2 nd Saturday (8 th ) – Outreach with Pastor (Water Distribution in front of CTW) 3 rd Saturday (15 th ) – Outreach with Pastor Vega (Door Hangers/ in Community) 4 th Saturday (22 nd ) – Band of Brothers Men’s Breakfast Fellowship FASTING & PRAYER ALL MONTH As the summer months come to an end, we acknowledge that this has (by far) been the worse summer in years. Attendance has been down, a few families have decided to not return, & our finances through the tithes & offerings have suffered greatly. We need to remain faithful to our call & not become discouraged or anxious. I promise you, Jesus is still on the throne. Please feel free to contact anyone who leaves – not to convince them to come back but to let them know they are loved. Keep our people in prayer, whether they are here or have moved on. That’s what families do – they pray for one another & suffer together. Band & Praise Team Rehearsal Every Thursday 7 PM. We are very close to the sale of CTW. Keep fasting & praying. Our vision is to relocate without accruing too much debt. With the sale of CTW we will have ample resources to purchase a facility that will allow for building our school, establishing after school programs with grants, creating jobs for our people, & making disciples.AnnouncementsAnnouncements Drop off your Kidz Way 11 AM 10 AM – Men’s Breakfast August Is Prayer & Fast Month Don’t Lose Heart… We’re Relocating!