Helen Keller June 27, June 1, 1968
Helen Keller—Early Life Was born and raised in Tuscumbia, AL. Father was a confederate general and mother was a cousin of Robert E. Lee. At 19 months old, had a disease that left her both deaf and blind. Finally learned to communicate via finger spelling when her teacher, Anne Sullivan made a breakthrough with the word w- a-t-e-r.
Educational Accomplishments Attended Perkins Institute for the Blind. Was the first deaf and blind person to graduate with a BA. Her degree came from Radcliffe College in Boston, MA.
Political Activist Throughout her life, met every President of the US from Grover Cleveland to Lyndon B. Johnson. Fought for women's rights, especially the right to vote. Fought for workers rights as well. Was a pacifist.
Writer Wrote her autobiography, The Story of My Life in 1920 as a college student. The World I Live In, gave insight into how she felt about the world. Published 12 books altogether.
Famous friends! Mark Twain Alexander Graham Bell Charlie Chaplin
Late in life…. Books written about her life. A movie made about her life, The Miracle Worker won an Oscar. It was based on her autobiography. Died in her sleep in 1968.