Meeting Times: Monday at 6PM -- Room TBD Chair: Cole Gleason Mailing List:
What is HCI? Human-Computer Interaction focuses on any overlap between computing and humans. Examples: interface design, social networks, human behavior through technology, and many more. Fundamentally an interdisciplinary field: Computer Science Computer Engineering Design Sociology Psychology Etc, etc.
Let’s talk projects! HCI is a really diverse field that is fundamentally interdisciplinary. Here are some things I’m interested in: Wearable computing! Google Glass, Pebble, MYO New interfaces like Kinect, LEAP, and Occulus Rift. Data visualization: How can we view data in new ways that answers questions or inspires new ones? Social network analysis: What can we infer about people and relationships from the data on the web? Other new and interesting projects like: How might Bitcoin change the way we deal with money?
Wearable computing
New interfaces for interacting with computing
Data Visualization
Social Network Analysis
Speed Reading 5 minutes about interesting research Why? Because there is some really fun stuff in research that we can make into cool projects! I encourage you to read papers and send me cool stuff to show at meetings! You can also present it if you feel comfortable.
Touché: Making Real World Touch Sensitive Ivan Poupyrev, Dr. Disney Research, USA Best Paper award at CHI 2012 "Touché is a new sensing technology designed to make the entire world around us richly interactive and responsive, easily and inexpensively."
Touché: Making Real World Touch Sensitive New sensing tech: swept frequency capacitive sensing. Can capture tons of info and complex gestures about the object and user.
Frequency Profiles
Simple, cheap chip
Let’s watch a video! Touché: Making Real World Touch Sensitive
Resources Data Visualization: Social Network Analysis: Speed Reading: Touché: Making Real World Touch Sensitive library/2012/ToucheCHI2012.pdf library/2012/ToucheCHI2012.pdf
Sources travels-through-time travels-through-time formation-of-love/ formation-of-love/ facebook-and-breakups/ facebook-and-breakups/
Sign up! Facebook group: Mailing list: Sign up at Send in project ideas, tutorial requests, etc.