Organization Strand Illinois ASCD Curriculum Leadership Development Network
WHY is CHANGE needed in schools? Who says so? Accountability Politics Improve student learning Improve teaching Accommodate different leadership styles React to a new “vision” ????
Changing Paradigms The way it used to be! Why fix it if it isn’t broken? That’s not the way we do it around here. They didn’t involve me in the decision …it doesn’t make sense. This is a dilemma…if I make the change it will affect……
Strategic Management and Systems Theory Looks at wholes rather than parts Looks at patterns of change Looks at the impact of change on all parts of the organization Works to develop a self-renewing “learning organization” that copes with a changing environment. - Peter Senge The Fifth Discipline
p Systemic Change Program Change Event Change Event: No lasting impact on the norms, values, or power relationships in any part of the system Program: Does affect the norms and values of segments of the organization without having major impact. Systemic: Affects the norms, values, and power relationships throughout the organization. Long term and meaningful Jerry Patterson, Coming Clean about Organizational Change
The Meaning of Change-Impact on the organization and the individual How do we embrace change? How do we resist change? What feelings are associated with change? How are those feelings different from the designers of change to the implementers of change?
Realistic Responses to Change Loss – experience is cumulative and grows more fixed over time therefore, feeling of loss grow more intense. Meaning Making –cannot explain reaction to change rationally due to personal investment. Why are we resistant to change?
How does change effect different generations in the school? Veterans Baby Boomers Gen-Xers Nexters How will you be bring people together who have different values?
Role Play Volunteers Needed 1 Veteran – ( ) 1 Baby Boomer – ( ) 1 Gen X – ( ) 1 Nexter- ( )
Culture Climate/RitualsBehaviors Values/ Basic Assumptions
Benefits of Positive School Culture Shared purpose Provides inspiration, meaning, and significance for members of the community People committed to goals “a coherent statement of who we are makes it harder for us to become something else” Can resist new ways and new blood
Reframing Organizations-How and why decisions are made Structural Frame – factory or machine Human Resource Frame – family Political Frame – jungle Symbolic Frame – carnival, temple, theatre Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal, 2003
Leadership is the capacity to create a compelling and plausible shared vision and translate that vision into organizational realities. Warren Bennis
Leadership Techniques Reframing – glass half full rather than empty Broaden the context for understanding Be an authentic leader – trust, respect Align rewards with purposes Enhance morale, collaboration, and collegiality Recognize and celebrate success Don’t take things personally
Insert graphic…vision..beliefs…
References Bolman, L., Deal, T. (2003). Reframing organizations. Jossey-Bass. Evans, R.(1996). The human side of school change. Jossey-Bass. Fullan, M.(2001). The new meaning of educational change.Teachers College Press. Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a culture of change. Jossey-Bass. Senge. P. (1990). The fifth discipline. New York: Doubleday.