Supporting Student Success: It Takes a Campus Los Angeles Mission College February 10, 2006 Tom Brown and Mario Rivas
Why are we here today? Develop faculty/staff development activities around the needs of Los Angeles Mission College students. Get faculty and staff focused on identifying common issues related to student success. Identify strategies and a plan for the committee to implement development activities and programs.
Our work today…. What are the needs of LAMC students? What do faculty and staff need to understand, know, do and be in order to create an environment that supports increased student success? How can the faculty and staff develop a shared vision of their work at LAMC? What are the challenges to building a community that supports all members?
Theme Our Mission is Your Success…. LAMC Educational Master Plan, 2005
It takes a campus community to support student achievement and success….
Although faculty are formally designated as teachers, there are circumstances where others in the campus community are also teachers…. Professor Burns Crookston, University of Connecticut
Community colleges are on the front lines of American higher education… providing increased opportunities for students who otherwise would be denied access. “ Advising Multicultural Populations for Achievement and Success.” Tom Brown & Mario Rivas, New Directions for Community Colleges
If you don’t know where you are going, you might end up somewhere else…. Lewis Carroll
MISSION Answers the question: Why does Los Angeles Mission College exist?
The mission of Los Angeles Mission College is the success of our students. LAMC Educational Master Plan, 2005
Mission To facilitate student success [the College] provides a culturally and intellectually supportive environment…. Educational Master Plan
It’s become fashionable for organizations to spend countless hours and money drafting elegant vision, mission, values, and purpose statements.... Such pronouncements are fine and good but they are not the essence of a visionary organization… Built to Last Collins and Porras, 2002
The essence of a visionary organization is the translation of its core ideology into everything it does. Collins and Porras, 2000
Most visions never become reality because people usually underestimate the amount of time, energy and commitment that are required to make a vision real. Peter Senge, MIT Center for Organizational Learning The Fifth Discipline
You gotta be careful when you don’t know where you’re going because you might not get there…. Yogi Berra
LA Mission College Students 70.8% Hispanic/Latino/a 14.4% White 7.1%Asian 5.5%Black/African American 41%Evening only 38%Vocational 27%Plan to transfer to a 4-year
Vision Los Angeles Mission College provides… an atmosphere that respects and assists all people in pursuit of their goals…Modes of instruction will match the changing needs of students.
Vision Los Angeles Mission College provides… an atmosphere that respects and assists all people in pursuit of their goals…Modes of instruction will match the changing needs of students.
Treating everyone the same may be equal treatment, but it is not equitable treatment.
LA Mission College Students 27.5%foreign high school grads More likely to have Spanish as their primary language.
The mission of Los Angeles Mission College is the success of our students. LAMC Educational Master Plan, 2005
The mission of Los Angeles Mission College is the success of our students. Identify one person or program that is doing good work in support of the College mission…including own work, a person in this room, etc.
Students don’t have interactions with institutions, they have encounters and interactions with individuals.
The mission of Los Angeles Mission College is the success of our students. 1. Identify what you consider to be the greatest challenge or obstacle to actualizing the College mission…. 2. Choose three that you consider to be the most significant.
Theme Our Mission is Your* Success…. LAMC Educational Master Plan, 2005 *Students, Faculty, Staff, Administration, Community….
SUCCESS= Commitment + Determination + HARD WORK Time
Supporting Student Success: It Takes a Campus Los Angeles Mission College February 10, 2006 Tom Brown and Mario Rivas