All of Those DL Forms… How does Distributed Learning help my department?
Presented by Patrick Pluscht Director Arlita Harris Senior Marketing Specialist Wanda Roberts Administrative Assistant Center for Distributed Learning
Intellectual Property Agreements Category I: Totally Faculty or Staff Generated Author owns IP Category II: Minimal UNT resources Author owns IP Category III: Substantial UNT resources Author owns IP Category IV: Work for hire UNT owns IP
Course or Program Proposal Form Cover sheet for routing the documents 4-page form describing course or program Approval: –Courses by Provost/VP of Academic Affairs –Programs by the President –Doctoral programs by Coordinating Board All approval processes required by SACS
Distributed Learning Funding Model Videoconference or Web-based courses in Texas Taken at a site at least 50 miles from Denton Student not taking courses on Denton Campus 83% of tuition generated returns to department Propose participation for each course by March with projections of estimated income Submit report based upon 12 th day enrollment (or equivalent) to receive DLFM funds
Out-of-State Teaching Fees OSTF in lieu of tuition from the State 83% of teaching fee returned to the department Each department completes OSTF form for each course with out-of-state students before registration opens for each semester Out-of-state sections combine with in-state sections…do not each meet small class size Fees are renewed each January and September OSTF may roll over to next fiscal year
Course Information Database is the source for information about online courses. CID is the database that populates UNTeCampus and other websites: (Sloan, SREB, TexasDistanceEducation, etc.) Encourage faculty to complete the CID database when they place textbook orders If faculty are not assigned, your department’s SuperUser should complete the database.
Online Statistics % of UNT’s student body is now online 33,078 semester hours were completed online in Spring online sections are scheduled for Fall 2006 We have online students in every world area and on the battlefront in Iraq Students of every socio-economic level are now able to take courses while working, raising families, and staying where they live.
Thank you For what you are doing as Administrative Assistants to help our online students be successful! Questions?