Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Organisational Development within the data sharing environment
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 What is Organisational Development? OD is the enabling platform, which covers the planning, design and implementation of the various components associated with people and organisations
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 The OD Recipe Communication Collaborative working Culture change Changing the way we work Shared learning and development Shared vision and values
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 The OD Recipe Leadership Partnership and team working Developing strategy and planning new services Introducing new technology and systems Training and skills development
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Building a Learning Organisation “learning organisations are organisations where people continually expand there capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together” Peter M Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation, 1990
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Internal Communication “Internal Communication is the process and art of communicating within an organisation. With the pace of change there is a need to ensure that staff are receiving, understanding and responding to key organisational messages in the desired manner.” Centre for Change and Innovation, 2003
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Managing Change Establish a sense of urgency Form a powerful guiding coalition Create a vision Communicate the vision Empower others to act on the vision Plan for and create short-term wins Consolidate improvements and produce still more change Institutionalise new approaches John P Kotter, “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail”, Harvard Business Review (March- April 1995)
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Whole System Governance & Organisational Development Where does it all fit?
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 What is Governance? Governance is the vital ingredient which will enable us to achieve Services in which the quality of care is paramount. The best definition that I have seen of governance is simply that it means “corporate accountability for practice ”
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 “Clinical Governance will not replace professional self regulation and individual judgement, concepts that lie at the heart of health care in this country. But it will add an extra dimension that will provide the public with guarantees about standards of clinical care” Sam Galbraith MP - Minister for Health - June 1998
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Governance & Quality Assurance concerns everyone involves Patients/Clients and service users works across departmental and service boundaries breaking down barriers continually improves and evolves finds out best practice and uses it is based on evidence is transparent and open
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Governance & Quality Assurance are not sticks to thrash Proffessionals backs with more management whims blame cultures tribal excuses for not doing things someone else’s remit about hiding what we do wrong
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 To deliver quality we must be able to recognise the strengths and weaknesses in what we do improve this by sharing best practice continually develop our skills compare ourselves with set standards listen to the people we provide a service for
Implementation of Data Sharing Inverness25 th November 2005 Why Governance and Quality Assurance? demonstrates improved quality of care for Patients/Clients - reassurance promotes the sharing of good practice now essential within revalidation for Clinicians