Leaf Anatomy
Typical Dicot Leaf X-Section Palisade Parenchyma Spongy Parenchyma Vascular bundles Epidermis Cuticle Stoma Guard Cells
Typical Monocot Leaf X-Section Xylem Phloem Bulliform Cells Stoma Epidermis Midvein Vein Bundle sheath cell
Leaf Stomata: Allow Gas Exchange Stomata in Zebrina leaf epidermis Guard cells with chloroplasts Stoma Subsidiary cells
Leaf Taxonomy
Opposite: 2 leaves at a node, on opposite sides of the stem Spiral: 1 leaf per node, with the second leaf being above the first but attached on the opposite side of the stem Whorled: 3 or more leaves at a node Leaf Arrangement on the Stem
Monocot Leaf
Dicot Leaf Spongy mesophyll Adaxial Epidermis Palisade mesophyll midvein midrib Abaxial Epidermis
Lilikoi; Passiflora edulis Tendrils Leaf modifications Spines Storage Common cactus finch, Galapagos sepals petals Leaf/ bract Petal-like
Indian Pipe Monotropa uniflora
Venus fly trap Silver sword Brighami rockii Australian pine Casuarina equisetifolia
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