Memory Short-term memory (working memory) Long-term memory (permanent memory) Capacity (the number of words you can remember) limitedpractically unlimited Persistence (how long it lasts) very briefpractically unlimited Access (how easy to remember) immediate depends on organisation Inputvery fastrelatively slow
Points to remember: 1.The short-term memory can hold from 5 to 9 items or words at a time. Most people can hold 7 items. 2.By ‘chunking’, or grouping items or words we can remember more words more easily e.g. abcd efg hijk lmnop qrst uvw xyz It is difficult to remember this: xoqtxaobhfmr but easier to remember: fortenmaster because we can chunk the letters together: for / ten / master
More points to remember: 3.In reading we only have to recognise the words. In spelling we have to recall them, letter for letter and in the right order. 4.We remember words best that we use or practise often. 5.We remember words best that we have learned recently. 6.We remember words best that have value to us, that are important or meaningful. 7.To retrieve words from long-term memory we have to structure our memory, associate words together and link words to give us ‘hooks’ for retrieving them. We need the help of meaning, pattern, rhythm, images and saying words out loud.
Another S.J.Dillingham Production for Salendine Nook High School 2003