Introduction to World Religions
What are the five major religions in the world today?
Where did they start? Where are they today?
Now that we’ve mapped the major world religions… Why might the religions dominate where they do? Is the area of dominance related to the area of founding? Are there areas where two or more religions seem prevalent? Do you know of any religious conflicts that have arisen in those areas? How do religions travel? Will a higher birthrate in one area affect the religion's growth?
How do you define religion? 1. Belief in the Supernatural having faith in something science can't explain; is there a god or some other force beyond what we can see? if so, what is it like? 2. Sacred Objects, Places, Symbols, Times holy things that are valued by followers of the religion 3. Rituals and Practices special events or actions, often involving sacred objects and places 4. Moral Code rules that tell followers how to act, what is right and wrong, and how to live their lives 5. Community binds people together, impacts society; can you have a religion with just one believer? 6. World View a general picture of how the world works: how were we created? what is our purpose here? what happens to us when we die?