Photosynthesis 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 Light Chlorophyll
H 2 OExits CO 2 Enters Open Stomate Closed Stomate 2 Guard Cells surrounding a pore Transpiration __________________________ O2O2 Exits
CO 2 Enters The Leaf is Covered with a Waxy Cuticle: “Plant Chapstick ” H 2 O Exits If water cannot get out of the leaf through the waxy cuticle what cannot get into the leaf for P/S? Mesophyll cell or photosynthetic cell: Note the chloroplasts
Absorption Spectra Wavelength of Light (nm) Amount Of Light Absorbed
Spring wood Summer wood
Bristlecone Pines
Measuring the rate of p/s with different Light Intensities Use the website to calculate number of bubbles produced per minute with the light at: – 200mm – 150mm – 100mm Click here