Beliefs and Values
What is a VALUES system A values system is an integrated set of shared values that may be based on a belief system, ideology, worldview or philosophy. Values are things that are held by people to be important. Values are the ideals, customs and views of a person or group of peolple.
What is a BELIEF system A belief system is an organised set of principles and ideas shared by a group of people that indicates a way of perceiving and understanding the social, cultural, psychological world and the universe. Beleifs are principles or philosophy shared by those within the belief system. A belief system may involve teachings or scriptures, practices and procedures for how to conduct daily life. Beliefs will guide people toward forming a cultural plan (ideology). The philosophy and ideology of a belief system will guide people to forming a certain perception of the world and the universe (worldview).
Religious belief systems Religious belief systems acknowledge the presense of a higher being. Christianity Islam Buddhism Hinduism Judaism
Non-religious belief systems Non-religious belief systems believe that the human experince is all that exists. Confucianism Environmentalism Capitalism Feminism Atheism
The development of belief systems From a sociological point of view religion is considered to have developed to meet people’s needs. People have long searched for answers to questions about human existence and society
The purpose of religion Religion sets out to answers key questions in life and society - Why do people suffer? - Why do some people die young? - Why do criminals prosper? - What is the purpose to my life?
The purpose of religion Religion sets out to answers key questions about existence and the universe - What is the meaning of life? - What happens after we die? - Is there a God? - How did the universe begin? - How does the universe work?
Religion as a social tool…. Unifies people around a shared set of norms, values and traditions. Controls behaviour allowing integration and solidarity Socialises young people into the values/norms of their society
Conflict of belief systems There are many differences between the principles and ideologies of different belief systems. Some groups reject other beleifs, values and customs and this can lead to conflict. Some major conflicts of belief systems include: - Catholics and Protestants (N Ireland) - Socialism and Capitalism (Cold War) - Fundamentalist Islam and Western Influence in Islamic countries (War on terror)
Belief systems in daily life The values within a belief system create a framework for daily life A belief system determines the customs, worship, ceremonies, ritual, rites of passage and festivals What are ways that different belief systems might view prayer? What are ways that different belief systems might view marriage?