LEAF Nature’s Solar Panel
LEAF Leaf stalk Leaf blade Appendages at base of petiole Leaf lacking petiole Sessile Leaf blade Lamina Appendages at base of petiole Stipules Network of veins Vascular bundles
ARRANGEMENT Alternate Opposite Whorled One leaf per node Alternating along stem Most common Opposite Two leaves attached to a node Whorled Three or more attached to node
SIMPLE LEAF One blade on petiole
COMPOUND LEAF Multiple leaflets on petiole Pinnately compound Leaflets attached to extended petiole Rachis Bipinnately compound Multiple rachis
COMPOUND LEAF Multiple leaflets on petiole Palmately compound All leaflets attached to end of petiole Palm
VEINS Netted vein arrangement Parallel vein arrangement Dicots (broadleaves) Parallel vein arrangement Monocots (grasses) Only tree to have fan arrangement Ginkgo
PHOTOSYNTHESIS Capture light energy Store energy in form of carbohydrates Water Carbon dioxide
STOMATA Openings on lower surface of leaf Guard cells open and close Regulated by potassium (K) Inflated guard cells open Deflated guard cells closed
STOMATA Gas exchange Transpiration Carbon dioxide in Oxygen out Water vapor evaporation Cooling plant
RESPIRATION Consumption of carbohydrates Growth
EPIDERMIS Outer layer of cells Waxy cutin Cuticle Thicker in the presence of pollutants or pests Epidermis on top and bottom of leaf Stomata mostly on bottom
MESOPHYLL Cells between upper and lower epidermal layers Parenchyma cells with cholorplasts Cholorenchyma
MESOPHYLL Upper mesophyll Palisade mesophyll Two rows Compacted barrel-shaped chlorenchyma cells Majority of photosynthesis
MESOPHYLL Lower mesophyll Spongy mesophyll Loose arranged Abundant air spaces Primarily for gas exchange
VEINS Vascular bundles Contained in a thick wall of parenchyma cells Xylem Phloem Contained in a thick wall of parenchyma cells Bundle sheath
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Shade leaves Larger Thinner Lower part of tree Understory Larger Thinner Less sunlight and heat
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Arid leaves Thicker Fewer stomata Reduce transpiration
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Tendrils Climbing vines Whiplike strands sensitive to contact Wrap around object Thigmotropism Climbing vines In some cases, tendrils are stems Grapevine
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Spines Thorns Prickles Cactus spines are modified leaves Sclerenchyma cells Tree spines are modified stipules Short paired spines Thorns Modified stems Prickles Outgrowth from stem epidermis Rose and raspberries
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Storage leaves Water storage Succulents Large non-photosynthetic parenchyma cells Large vacuoles store water
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Storage leaves Carbohydrate storage Onion and other bulbs Rapid growth early in season
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Reproductive leaves Miniature plants on marge of leaf Kalanchoe
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Floral leaves Bracts Colorful modified leaves at base of flowers Poinsettia
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Carnivorous Over 200 species Bogs Nutrient deficient Acidic Wet
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Pitcher Plant Hollow leaves that often collect water Waxy interior with downward pointing hairs Difficult to escape Wetting agents make it difficult to swim Digested by enzymes
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Sundews Sticky fluid at the end of each hair follicle Digestive enzymes Hair bend inward upon contact of insect Can distinguish difference between protein object and inedible debris
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Venus flytrap Native to lower NC and upper SC Trigger hairs in foliar trap Close on insects instead of debris Touched a few times within seconds Trap reopens after digestion
SPECIALIZED LEAVES Bladderwort Submerged bladder leaves Trigger hairs outside a trap door Door opens and water rushes in along with aquatic insect
AUTUMN COLOR Chlorophyll in greatest supply Breaks down first Shorter day length and cooler temperatures No longer masks other pigments
AUTUMN COLOR Other pigments can be stored in vacuole Anthocyanin Red if sap is acidic Blue if sap is basic Betacyanins red
ABSCISSION Process of dropping leaves Evergreen plants Gradually shed leaves Deciduous plants Shed leaves in winter