Common Intestinal Parasites Please pay close attention to the shape and size of both the eggs and adults as you will be tested on this information
Hookworms Scientific Name: Ancylostoma caninum Common parasites of both dogs and cats Notice the bundle of “eggs” within the egg Notice the thin outer shell
Hookworms Scientific Name: Uncinaria stenocephala Uncinaria is the larger egg in the picture
Hookworms Adult hookworm Notice the “hook” on the mouthparts Causes bloody diarrhea
Tapeworm Scientific name: Dipylidium caninum Most common tapeworm of dogs and cats Large egg with what looks like “packets” of eggs inside
Tapeworm Scientific Name: Taenia sp. Commonly found in both dogs and cats Not usually seen on a fecal flotation
Tapeworms Adult tapeworm Notice the “segmented” appearance
Roundworms Scientific Name: Toxacara canis and Toxacaris leonina T. canis is commonly found in both dogs and cats T. canis is larger than T. leonina T. leonina is less common in dogs and cats Notice the thick outer shell and dark interior
Roundworm Adult roundworm Clients typically describe the adult worm as looking like spaghetti Common in puppies
Whipworms Scientific Name: Trichuris vulpis Common worm in dogs Notice the “plug” or operculum at both ends of the egg and thick brown shell
Whipworm Adult dog whipworm Notice the “whip” type appearance of the tail The tail slashes the lining of the intestines, causing bloody diarrhea
Coccidia Scientific Name: Isospora canis Common canine parasite Notice the oval shape
Coccidia Scientific Name: Isospora felis Common feline parasite