Ecasba Seminar – Bruxelles May 2007 FEDERAGENTI YOUTH DIVISION “Italian case study of National Ship Agents & Brokers Youth Division” Gabriele Scotto Vice President of Federagenti Youth Division
1 Starting from: Federagenti Youth Division Founded in 2005 Dedicated to “under 40” Italian ship agents and ship brokers, already members of Federagenti Around 120 members in more than one year, located all around most important Italian ports as: Genova, Livorno, Napoli, Cagliari, Messina, Bari, Ravenna, Ancona, Venezia, La Spezia.
2 The goal: European Youth Division Don’t ask what Youth Division can give to a Federation, ask yourself what you can give NOW to the Youth Division !
3 What we are doing on European level Contacting young Ecasba members. Set up a WG to be presented during next Ecasba seminar in London on 18 June’07 by Mr. G.E. Duci. European study on Ports dragging. Plannnig a Youth Division Seminar on European level (location: London?). Planning a Youth Division event during next Dinner in Genova Sept’07.
4 New ideas Prepare and test the new “seniors” of tomorrow “Cheap workforce” Organization of events A “different” point of view What European Youth Division can give to Ecasba Federation
5 Why a young ship agent or broker should join the WG Building relations on European level Making and exchanging of experiences and ideas between UE/countries Become familiar with UE Maritime
6 Let’s follow up: an idea!!!...why not create a ECASBA youth division?