The Worms Phylum Platyhelminthes Phylum Nematoda Phylum Annelida
Phylum Platyhelminthes = Flatworms Ganglia Eye spot Flame cells Pharynx Mouth Gastrovascular cavity Nerve cord Special Structures: Ganglia – group of nerve cells Flame Cells - specialized cells that remove waste that remove waste materials materials Pharynx - Food is drawn through this tube this tube
Phylum Platyhelminthes = Flatworms Body symmetry: Bilateral Body cavity: acoelomate Respiratory, Circulatory: diffusion Excretory: flame cells
Response: ganglia (simple) Feeding: carnivores or parasitic Movements: Cilia and muscle cells Reproduction: sexual (hermaphroditic)
P 2 = slate Write down 2 questions about phylum platyhelminthes that might be asked on a test. (leave space for an answer) Trade slates with a partner and answer the questions they wrote.
Phylum Platyhelminthes = Flatworms Examples: Planaria, Fluke, Tapeworm
Tapeworms The largest tapeworms can grow up to 58ft long You can become contaminated by eating infected food They harm what they are living in by stealing vital nutrients. (House episode)
Flukes Humans ingest the eggs of flukes by eating raw fish, or eating the plant stalks of bamboo or other things that grow in a moist fresh water. Most common in Asia
Phylum Nematoda = Round Worms anus mouth pseudocoelom Retract piercing device intestine pharynx Special Structures: Sense organs - neuron that reacts to a specific stimulus, such as light Dioecious - each organism is only one sex; separate sexes Hydrostatic skeleton - layers of circular and longitudinal muscles, together with the water in the gastrovascular cavity, that enable movement
Phylum Nematoda = Round Worms Body symmetry: Bilateral Body cavity: Pseudocoelomates Respiratory, Circulatory, Excretory: diffusion Response: ganglia (simple), sense organs (detect chemicals)
Feeding: parasitic Movements: muscles, hydrostatic skeleton Reproduction: sexual dioecious
P 2 = slate Write down 2 questions about phylum nematoda that might be asked on a test. (leave space for an answer) Trade slates with a partner and answer the questions they wrote.
Phylum Nematoda = Round Worms Examples: trichinosis, filarial worms, Ascaris, hookworms Ascaris, hookworms
Trichinosis Caused by eating raw pork Biblical reasoning to not eat pork
Ascaris Effect the intestine and can cause a blockage. Most symptoms are diahhrea, nausea, etc.
Filarial worms Contracted by horse fly or deer fly also causes elephantitis
hookworms Humans can contract hookworms by walking barefoot on contaminated soil. Also by eating improperly washed vegetables
Pin worm Scratching infected area and touching someone else and passing on eggs. Then they are ingested and the process occurs again.
Phylum Annelida = Segmented Worms Special Structures: ganglia nephridia satae anus metameres mouth brain gizzard crop Satae – external bristles for movement
Phylum Annelida = Segmented Worms Body symmetry: Bilateral Body cavity: Coelomates Respiratory: gills (aquatic) or through skin Circulatory: closed circulatory system
Excretory: Nephridia Response: Brain with dorsal & ventral nerve cords, some sense organs Feeding: aquatic – filter feeders; detritivores; parasitic Movements: satae, muscles, hydrostatic skeleton Reproduction: sexual & some hermaphroditic
P 2 = slate Write down 2 questions about phylum platyhelminthes that might be asked on a test. (leave space for an answer) Trade slates with a partner and answer the questions they wrote.
Phylum Annelida = Segmented Worms Examples: earthworm & leech
leeches Attach to their host until they are full and then fall off to digest. In some cases a leech carries the diseases from prior hosts and infects the new host (HIV, Hepatitis).
Assignment Choose an article about a parasitic worm from one of the phyla discussed today. Create an informational brochure about the parasite you chose. Your brochure must include illustrations (picture of parasite, life cycle, etc) You may use you book for help, Chp. 27
Ticket out On a piece of paper, create a chart comparing 5 characteristics between the three phyla discussed today.