1 Per Blixt Head of Unit European Commission DG Information Society and Media New Infrastructure Paradigms and Experimental Facilities "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission" The European approach FUTURE INTERNET RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTATION FIRE Seattle July 2009
2 Future Internet: background and motivation The European approach: Future Internet in Framework Programme 7 and beyond FIRE Conclusions summary
3 WEB sites: 30 new Million sites added in % annual growth Google indexed 26 Million pages in 1998 – today it indexes 1 trillion pages There are currently 210 billion s per day (73% spam) User generated content (e.g YouTube) produces 73+ billion streams in 2008 Facebook and MySpace each have over 100 million users (3/4 teenagers) 3.7 million pictures uploaded every day in Flickr 1.3 trillion SMS messages in 2008 scale factor: how big is big?
4 Internet goes mobile due to the widespread of smart terminals and of broadband mobile networks +50% in 2008; >1 Billion users expected to use their mobile as Internet gateway in 2012 Broadband Subscription, 2/3 mobile in 2012 Smartphone shipments x1000 Towards trillions of connected devices, Internet of objects, novel applications driven by user needs: CONTEXT: e.g. Geo-location as embedded capability PARTICIPATION: e.g. Combine virtual with the physical world mobile and “things” factor
5 Breakdown of consumer Internet IP traffic* monthly traffic 2008, as a % of total traffic 44.4% 25.3% 18.5% 6.2% 3.5% 1.1% 0.7% Others: 11.5% P2P traffic Internet video to PC Web, , data Internet video to TV gaming VoIP Video communications total: 5.3 EB* Source:Cisco Visual Networking Index, 2007–2012 (June 2008) *: 2008 consumer IP traffic = Internet traffic (5.3 EB) + non-Internet traffic (2.4 EB), or 7.7 EB **: 1 ExaB = B Change in IP traffic by category , in Exa Bytes** per month consumer business * 4.4 Changes in consumer Internet IP traffic: P2P stable (even low decrease) Strong growth of video streaming Video doubles traffic every 2 years video factor
6 Adapted from SAP Research, 2008, and SEEKDA, 2008 Number of Web services found by SEEKDA crawler during the past 25 months A multitude of connected IT services, which are offered, bought, sold, used, repurposed, and composed by a worldwide network of service providers, consumers, aggregators, and brokers - resulting in - a new way of offering, using, and organising IT supported functionality services factor
Cyber-threats, cyber-crime Complexity of critical Infrastructures Trust, accountability, transparency Identity, privacy and user empowerment Human values and acceptance trustworthy information society
8 Future Internet: background and motivation The European approach: Future Internet in Framework Programme 7 and beyond FIRE Conclusions summary
9 Strengthening Competitiveness through Co-operation 7 th FP 2007/13 – 50,521M€ FP7 Cooperation Programme: 32,413 M€ ICT, 9050, 28% Energy, 2350, 7% Transport, 4160, 13% Health, 6100, 19% NMT, 347, 11% Environment, 1890, 6% Socio-economic, 623, 2% Security, 1400, 4% Space,1430, 4% Food, 1935, 6%
10 Future and Emerging Technologies Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics Network and Service Infrastructures Components, Systems, Engineering Digital Libraries and Content Towards sustainable and personalised healthcare ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency ICT for Independent Living, Inclusion and Governance Socio-economic goals Technology roadblocks ETPs i2010 Flagships 557M€ (~70% on Future Internet) ICT WorkProgramme
11 ICT challenge 1 Pervasive and Trusted Network and Services Infrastructures 1.4 Trustworthy Internet 1.1 The Network of the Future 1.2 Internet of Services and Software 1.5 Networked Media and 3D Internet 1.3 Internet of things 1.6 Future Internet Experimentation Facility Call M€ Call 5 90 M€ Call 4 80 M€ Call 5 37 M€ Call 5 50 M€ Call M€ Call 5 80 M€
12 - Coordination of on-going EU R&D activities 94 EU-funded projects, 400 M€, >500 participants ( M€ euros expected in 1-2 years ) Future Internet assembly (Fia) for projects Future Internet Forum (FIF) for MS - PPP complementing the FP7-ICT WP Challenge 1
13 Future Internet: background and motivation The European approach: Future Internet in Framework Programme 7 and beyond FIRE Conclusions summary
14 “creating a research environment for investigating and experimentally validating highly innovative and revolutionary ideas“ To investigate, test and compare, at large scale, new paradigms and future internet architectures, and their socio-economic impact requirements validation long-term research large scale experiment. Testbed
15 Anticipating technology trends Assessing business models Evaluating societal impact User-centric development Data-intensive experimental research Test bed 1 Test bed 2 Test bed 3 Test bed 4 Test bed 5 Test bed 6 Test bed 7 Test bed 8 Test bed 9 Federated Network Testbeds Test bed 1 Test bed 2 Test bed 3 Test bed 4 Test bed 5 Test bed 6 Test bed 7 Test bed 8 Federated Service Testbeds Exp 1 Exp3 Exp2 Exp4 Exp5 User Communities FIRE Experimental Facility FIRE
16 FIRE goal : Understand how Internet is changing economy and society, and how it can improve society and environment Keywords: –Network ( /Services) –Complexity –Multidisciplinarity –Empirical approaches Towards an “internet science”?
17 support actions FIREWORKS PARADISO experimentally-driven, multi-disciplinary research OPNEXECODEN4CSmartNet Perimeter Nanodata centers ResumeNet SelfNet requirements validation long-term research large scale experiment. Building the experimental facility PII WISEBEDVITAL++ OneLab2 Testbed Federica FIRE Launch Event, Paris, 10 September (from Call2 Objective 1.6: Community Funding 40 M€)
18 Building the FIRE experimental facility & stimulating its use 25 M€ for IPs FIRE experimentally driven research 20 M€ for STREPs FIRE Components (gradual expansion) (20%) FIRE Users (user stimulation) (20%) Taking advantage of the facility Defining the challenges for the facility Co-ordination and support actions - 5 M€ for CSAs ICT Call 5
19 FuTFIRECFuTFIREC Ideas on collaboration for FIRE facility projects
20 Future Internet: background and motivation The European approach: Future Internet in Framework Programme 7 and beyond FIRE Conclusions summary
21 Future Internet is recognised as a priority at European and international levels A comprehensive set of initiatives and tools are in place to pool resources Experimentation has a crucial role in those developments International cooperation is key, we can make a difference conclusions
22 Thanks you for your attention! more information on…