Technologically Enhanced Language Learning Project Progress to 20 May 2008 Dr Gee Macrory
Today’s presentation Resume of TELLP project Report on progress so far
Resume of TELLP project Aims Timescale Personnel Outcomes Activities proposed
Aims Central aim: the provision of an innovative context for initial teacher training within a technologically- enhanced, holistic,cross-curricular approach to teaching languages in the primary schools in the three countries (England, France, Spain)(bid,p.13)
Timescale & personnel Lynda Moore, Head of Primary Programmes, IOE (Director); Gee Macrory (Head of Languages); Languages tutors: Pura Ariza, Cathy Brady & Joanne Mimnagh Lucette Chr é tien Jos é Luis Ortega
Which trainees? Primary languages specialists in each country Group 1: 2 sub-groups, (i) those placed for school experience in the 6 project schools, (ii) the larger cohort of primary languages trainees Group 2: generalist primary trainees
Trainee outcomes Primary trainees will be able to identify and critically evaluate (a) the characteristics of a holistic cross- curricular approach to language teaching and learning and (b) the impact of the technology on:
Processes of children ’ s learning Development of intercultural understanding Children ’ s motivations School community Wider school curriculum (bid, p.15)
Activities (bid, p.15) Core focus group of the 3 universities ’ project is teacher trainees Trainees will: - acquire skills of planning effective video- conferencing sessions between international classes - gain familiarity with primary pedagogy in the partner countries - engage in joint planning (home and abroad) - carry our focussed observation of impact of use of technology on children ’ s learning
Progress to date Tutor observations of VC and issues arising Focus group work with children Preparation of trainees Trainee activities: some examples Trainee perceptions Implications for next year
Tutor observations of VC in 6 schools Issues of language use (which language, which skill, linguistic progression, etc) Classroom organisation and management issues Development of intercultural awareness
Focus group work with children All 3 countries Data from KR/SP - Very positive about cultural knowledge - Increased confidence - Awareness of language learning “ you absolutely have to see them ”
Preparation of trainees Tasks given to trainees going from England to France and Spain March 08 + from France to England May 08 Introduction to LP
Trainee activities VC in home school and/or on placement abroad – observing and assisting Interviewing children and staff involved Preparation of sound files for LP Preparing class for VC
Development of trainee activity Independent VC sessions – trainees in lead Use of related technologies: digi blues? Uploading of material on to LP
Trainee perceptions so far Beneficial for children, especially from a cultural perspective Insights into the language pedagogy issues Trainees beginning to be able to understand the issues to do with CLIL and with cross- curricular approaches to language learning Very keen to use the technology – good ideas Beginning to see implications for curriculum and whole-school planning
Our next steps Interview trainees in all 6 schools (in-depth, semi-structured, recorded interviews) with reference to criteria on p15 of bid Identify support needed by schools for their project and the university project July: 3 university meeting in Manchester Write report Set up project website
Implications for next year Identify trainees for placements as early as possible (can visit, plan, etc) Provide ICT sessions/LP briefing early at university Offer whole-school briefing to project schools about the university project