SEMESTER PROJECT AND REPORT TPG 4140 Natural Gas Jón Steinar Guðmundsson August 27, 2013 Aims of the semester project (three aims) Group work, three to five students Suggest three topics, discuss ( ) with professor Each student should spend 50 hours on project Examination 70 % and semester project report 30 % Lecture on technical writing (advice, guidelines) Dead-line, last day of ordinary semester.
AIMS The semester project has three aims: 1.The first and main aim is to give the students an opportunity to go into greater detail in one theme (topic) within natural gas, compared to the course lectures. 2.The second aim is to give the students more experience in writing a technical report. 3.The third aim is to make the semester project reports available on the Internet, to promote dissemination of knowledge about natural gas.
GROUP WORK The semester project should be carried out by groups of four students (three minimum, five maximum). The students make their own group, and discuss what kind of topics could be interesting, all within natural gas. The group submits three possible topics (for example) to the professor for discussion and subsequent adjustments and approval. The group work should start as soon as possible (experience shows that groups that start late meet problems in completing quality work on time).
STUDY HOURS The number of study hours for the course is 12 hours per week. Because the Semester Project accounts for 30 % of the final grade, it is assumed that each student uses about 3.6 hours per week for the 14 weeks of the semester (project work), in total about 50 hours. The work for one group of four (4) will therefore be about 200 hours. Group rooms (basement of new building) can be reserved in the departmental office.
TECHNICAL WRITING The professor has a lecture and presentation on technical writing. Should be useful when writing other reports (and thesis) than the Semester Project Report. The advice given by the professor on technical writing need not be followed exactly. There is no “one way” to write technical reports. The advice can be thought of as guidelines, to be followed as needed. The Semester Project Report should be pages of text. Tables, figures and appendices come in addition. The text should have 1.5 spacing and 12 pt. letter size. Right-hand justification should not be used.
CONTENTS Title page (page i) Summary List of Contents Introduction (chapter 1, page 1) Several Main Chapters, 2., 3., etc. Discussion Conclusions References Tables Figures Appendices
RESOURCES Semester project reports from previous years OnePetro, SPE, all with NTNU address can use Use Internet Contacts in industry Other NTNU professors Reference list should be complete (such that others can find the same information) Text of Semester Project Reports should be detailed enough such that others can repeat the work and come to the same results (“the academic method”)
SUMMARY Find a semester project topic and get started right away Try not to send more than one per week to professor Good luck; professor looks forward to your report