BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Progress Presentation by WP 2 Work Package Progress within the third reporting period (March 2000 to August 2000), Achievements: Participation MARILOG Logistics Convention on 5 to 7 April 2000, BALTICOM Forum on 6 April 2000 – Initiating the co-operation activities with other INTERREG/ BSR transport projects, Project Presentation at THB Forum on 7 April 2000, Project Presentation at BALANCE III conference on 5 May 2000, Conversation with Polish (Gdansk) and Russian (City of St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad Oblast) Partners about future co- operation in INTERREG III B, Representation at the Translogis-Workshop on 6 June 2000 – Continuation of Co-operation talks, Representation at the MATROS-Meeting on 23 June Continuation of Co-operation talks Website checked and upated.
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Progress Presentation by WP 2 Significant problems and matters arising, none Comparison to the Workplan, according to plan. Planned actions within the WP in the next reporting period. Publishing of new Project Achievements in the Web, Representation at the SEBTrans Meeting on 14 September 2000 at Copenhagen, Participation in the INTERREG Quality Forum on 21 October 2000 at Hämeenlinna. Supporting promotion activities of WP‘s to show the project results.
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Project Management Meeting 1.Project Deliverables The Deliverable Status: General Remarks: BALTICOM have promised 29 Deliverables, Available: 9; Delayed: 2; To be submitted now: 2; Still to come: 16. Publication All Deliverables should publishable and presentable, Check that you don‘t write secrets, but write something which is relevant and not trivial ! Check the quality of the reports (layout, spelling, language !) Pilot applcations should be presentable in an adequate manner (e.g. presentation on the website)
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Project Management Meeting 1.Project Deliverables Use of Deliverables: Are there specific recommendations for the use of reports ?
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Project Management Meeting 2. Status of 2nd Progress Report The report was evaluated by the JFB, A considerably smaller need for corrections, All corrections can be submitted to INTERREG by 15 September, Payment can provisionally be expected by beginning of October. Payments (2nd Regular Payment) Payments will go from the project account to the authorities and Viatek, Authorities and Viatek should then settle the invoices of the German private companies and the small Finnish partners.
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Project Management Meeting 3. Third Progress Report National Co-financing The national co-financers should provide the national cash funding now. We will ask them officially to send the next rate. Reminder: The in-kind cofinancing should be well documented (Port of Stockholm, WiB, small Finnish Partners) General comments Reporting period: 1 March 2000 to 31 August 2000, Template Progress Report is not necessary any more as the general needs should be clear by now.
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Project Management Meeting 3. Third Progress Report The project activity report To be prepared by the WP Leaders, Only part 2 and 3 are needed for the reporting period, Please compare what you report with the plan in Part 1 (Part 1 was only produced once within the 2nd PR for the whole project as plan.) The Financial Cost Report To be prepared by the Authorities, Universities and Viatek, Reminder: Components are: The Financial Cost Report, the Personnel/Overhead Cost Report, the Investment Cost Report, the Document List and the Confirmation Form. Invoices German private partners and Finnish small partners should send invoices to their authorities or Viatek asap. The invoices should not be higher then planned for the reporting period (see Detailed Workplan).
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Project Management Meeting 3. Third Progress Report Schedule: All partners to collect costs by 31 August, Small Finnish partners and German private partners to hand in invoices by 22 September, Authorities, Universities and Viatek: to prepare Financial Cost Report for Auditing by 30 September, Submit audited Financial document to H/B by 20 October, WP Leaders to prepare the Project Activity Report (Part 2/3) for the reporting period and their WP by 20 October, Submission of Report to INTERREG: 31 October.
BALTICOM - BALTIC Transport Communication and Regional Development Klaipeda, 6 to 8 September rd Project Meeting Project Management Meeting 4. Any Other Business Project Time Schedule: Facts calling for project prolongation (in the same budget lines): WP12 activities can only start when pilots are up and running, University of Hamburg needs another 2 months for internal reasons, INTERREG III B preparation Next Meeting: When:December 2000 / January 2001 ? Where: Gdansk ?