Bear 10 fatalities per year Avoidance: Slowly back away Do not run – they will chase you! Shout and throw sticks If a bear is upon you fight back – don’t play dead
Shark 100 fatalities per year Avoidance: Don’t wear yellow or orange Swim with a group Punch its nose Claw its eyes and gills Stay out of the water if you have bleeding cut
Jellyfish 100 fatalities per year Avoidance: Wear a sting suit Apply vinegar to stings
Hippopotamus 150 fatalities per year Avoidance: Don’t surprise them Don’t block their access to water
Elephant 500 fatalities per year Avoidance: Don’t startle them Make noise Climb a tree
Crocodile 800 fatalities per year Avoidance: Don’t swim in crocodile areas Shout, scream, claw and pray!
Big Cats 800 fatalities per year Avoidance: Stare the cat in the eye and don’t look away Try to make yourself look “big” Do not run – they will chase you! Punch its nose and eyes
Scorpion 2,000 fatalities per year Avoidance: Shake out bedding and clothing Watch for them to appear at night Wear thick socks
Venomous Snakes 125,000 fatalities per year Avoidance: Don’t bother them! Wear thick leather boots Back away slowly Don’t look under rocks or bushes
Mosquito 3 million fatalities per year! Avoidance: Use a mosquito net treated with DDT Wear light coloured clothing Take malaria pills Remove standing water