Scholarly journals in the SELL countries 8th SELL Meeting Trieste, 30/31.05.08.


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Presentation transcript:

Scholarly journals in the SELL countries 8th SELL Meeting Trieste, 30/

How many scholarly journals? Between and (ISI) Spanish journals -Published by universities -Nearly 600 -Spanish scholarly journals -Nearly In ISI WoS -33 journals

Science is like an iceberg Some Journals are in the top Others only in the middle But a lot don’t appear at all

4 groups of publishers The very big ones -Elsevier, Springer, T&F and Wiley The small and powerful -ACS, IEEE, Nature... The well organized -ALSPS And... -A lot of small publishers in small countries in non English language

Internet could be an opportunity If we know how to take advantage of it If library consortia helps -We know why the Big Deal works -Adds value -Offers visibility -Attract usage

OA in the Nordic countries Open Access in the Nordic Countries Turid Hedlund, Ingegerd Robow Copenhagen: Nordbib Programme, ments%20for%20download/Open_Acces_in_the_ Nordic_Countries_Hedlund_Rabow_Nordbib.pdf ments%20for%20download/Open_Acces_in_the_ Nordic_Countries_Hedlund_Rabow_Nordbib.pdf

OA in the Nordic countries: A state of the art -Denmark -Iceland -Finland -Norway -Sweden

Country report Background OA Institutional Repositories Journals OA journals Preservation National policies

Peer reviewed journals (Denmark) Journals published in the countries Journals published in the national language -% by field -% online -% OA -% JCR -% JCR online -% JCR online OA

Institutional Repositories (Denmark) Repository name Institution(s) Subject fields Software Number of documents Type of documents

France, Italy, Spain État des lieux compartif de l’offre de revues SHS: France, Espagne, Italie : etude réalisée pour le Ministère de l’education nationale de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche Marc Minon, Ghislain Chartron juin F/sic_ pdf F/sic_ pdf

Some things that we can do To repeat the Nordic study for our countries To establish OA platforms for journals To establish quality standards To coordinate the actions in IR

Pleased to help... CBUC Lluís Anglada Núria Comellas