Sierra Wicht and Emily Barranco
Snake bites: a bites from a snake. Bites from venomous snakes can be deadly if not dealt with quickly or even immediately. If children are bit they have a higher risk of dying or having a serious complication because of their body size. SNAKE BITES
Almost all of the snakes in North America are not poisonous. Coral snakes, rattlesnakes, copperheads, and water moccasins are the only snakes in North America that are poisonous. POISONOUS SNAKES IN NORTH AMERICA
Symptoms vary depending on the kind of snake. Most of the snake bites may include: -Blurred Vision -Convulsions -Diarrhea -Loss of muscle coordination -Rapid pulse, etc SYMPTOMS
Coral snake bites may include: -Drowsiness -Headache -Low blood pressure -Shock -Slurred speech -Swelling of the tongue and throat -Mouth watering, etc. SYMPTOMS, CONTINUED…
Rattlesnake bites may include: -Breathing difficulty -Eyelid drooping -Paralysis -Skin color change -Thirst -Rapid or weak pulse, etc SYMPTOMS CONTINUED…
Copperhead and water moccasin symptoms are very similar and may include -Nausea -Vomiting -General pain in all limbs -Low blood pressure -Breathing difficulty -Tiredness, etc SYMPTOMS, CONTINUED…
Snake bites are cleaned with soap, water, and germ- killing solutions. By doing this germs that may be in the wound are washed away and this decreases the risk of infection. However, if the wounded area is large then the doctor or caregiver may need to do surgical cleaning. WHAT TREATMENT IS NEEDED
0:17-0:20 ; 2:16-2:40 ; 5:56-6:30 VIDEO
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