Opening the Scriptures! Three Year Study thru the Bible Daily Reading - Bookmark available in the back Weekly Study – on Wednesday nights at 6:30 This week: Titus, Philemon Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself … And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures Luke 24:27,45
I. Greeting (v.1-3) II. Thanksgiving for Philemon (v4–7) III. Petition of Paul for Onesimus 8–20 IV. Closing Remarks (v.21-25) Philemon
I. Greeting (v.1-3) II. Thanksgiving for Philemon (v4–7) III. Petition of Paul for Onesimus 8–21 a. Rightness of what is needed v.8 b. Appeal by love v.9-11 c. Lack of constraining v d. Willing to personally help v e. Expectation of blessing v IV. Closing Remarks (v.22-25) Philemon
I. Salutation (1:1–4) II. Order in Church leaders (1:5–16) III. Order in Church Members (2:1–10) IV. Order in the Church Living (2:11-3:11) V. Conclusion (3:12–15) Titus
I. Salutation (1:1–4) “Truth which accords with Godliness” “manifested His word through preaching” “Grace, MERCY, and peace” Titus
I. Salutation (1:1–4) II. Order in Church leaders (1:5–16) III. Order in Church Members (2:1–10) IV. Order in the Church Living (2:11-3:11) V. Conclusion (3:12–15) Titus
II. Order in Church “Leaders” (Ch 1) “Set in order things lacking” “appoint elders” “if a man is blameless” “holding to the word…able by sound doctrine to exhort, convict those who contradict” “are many insubordinate…rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith” “profess to know…but in works deny” Titus
I. Salutation (1:1–4) II. Order in Church leaders (1:5–16) III. Order in Church Members (2:1–10) IV. Order in the Church Living (2:11–3:11) V. Conclusion (3:12–15) Titus
III. Order in Church Members (Ch 2:1-10) v.2 – Guidelines for older men v.3- Guidelines for older women v.4-5 – Guidelines for young women v.6-8 – Guidelines for young men v Guidelines for servants Titus
I. Salutation (1:1–4) II. Order in Church leaders (1:5–16) III. Order in Church Members (2:1–10) IV. Order in the Church Living (2:11–3:11) V. Conclusion (3:12–15) Titus
IV. Order in Church Living (Ch 2:11-3:11) “Grace of God…has appeared” “teaching us…denying ungodliness…live godly” “Jesus gave Himself…redeem us…to be His special people, zealous for God works” “to be ready for every good work…” “for we were foolish…by love of God…” “have believed…careful to maintain good works” “maintain good works, meet urgent needs” Titus
I. Salutation (1:1–4) II. Order in Church leaders (1:5–16) III. Order in Church Members (2:1–10) IV. Order in the Church Living (2:11–3:11) V. Conclusion (3:12–15) Titus