Monitoring the radioimmunotherapeutic effect by FDG-PET/CT Nan-Jing Peng, MD Department Nuclear Medicine
Abstract: A case of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma s/p OP, C/T, R/T, and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation with tumor recurrence s/p 1st R- ProM ACECytaBOM on 2006/8/25 and 8/27, 2nd R-ProMACECytaBOM on 9/2 and 9/3 s/p Rituximab 550mg on 11/3. PET/CT showed lymphoma with multiple FDG- avid lesions in chest and abdomen. Two months after 32 mCi Zevalin/Ytracis therapy, repeated PET/CT showed remission of supradiaphragmatic lesions but left orbital fossa and subdiaphragmatic lesions in progress.
PET/CT before Zevalin 54 y/o male non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Figure 1 PET/CT 2 months after Zevalin