UDFCT was established in July 2011, focusing on business consulting and training management. Its specialized in implementing the Learning Organization principles and concepts, Knowledge Management and Leadership competency. A Saudi corporation that proven its:- Potential of delivering high quality services. Specialized programs of consulting and training. Customer satisfaction and integrity of partnership Capabilities of progress and growth. Dedication to innovation, creativity and KM. Social contribution for advanced community. A Saudi corporation that proven its:- Potential of delivering high quality services. Specialized programs of consulting and training. Customer satisfaction and integrity of partnership Capabilities of progress and growth. Dedication to innovation, creativity and KM. Social contribution for advanced community.
Methodology It Starts with evaluating our clients business processes, projects, performance, issues, problems, concern, and/or potential bottlenecks through Gap-Analysis, then proposing recommended Modifications and the project plan followed by the Enhancement stage where we deliver the agreed training product, then finally measuring and presenting the program outcome and the attained improvement level. In summary we support our clients through the whole training and development process as follows:- 1.Gap-Analysis Stage: Field Study and Analysis of training and development needs. 2.Modification Stage: Presenting recommendations and finalizing the scope. 3.Enhancement Stage: Conducting the appropriate training programs, measuring the individuals outcome, and presenting results. the individuals outcome, and presenting results.
Methodology UDFCT Model
Our partnering and customer relationship management strategies triggered and gained our clients confidence in our consulting and training service quality, Accordingly, we supported number of the major clients, such as:-
Saudi Unlimited Development Co. have five different categories of partners: - 1- Representatives; Management Stakeholders 2- Associates; Professional Consultants/Trainers 3- Trainers; Fellow experts in facilitating workshops. 4- Strategic Alliances; Foreign Consulting and training houses. 5- Licensors; Representing training and measurement and auditing programs.
Training Programs The Learning Organization Training Center provides six categorizes of training programs:- 1- Administrative 2- Financial 3- Occupational Safety 4- TQM & ISO 5- Social Programs 6- Self-Development
The center of society The center of society The core of learning The core of learning The source of all attitudes The source of all attitudes The origin of an organization The origin of an organization Do you agree, the FAMILY is:
Family ParametersWork Parameters ?Emergency Response ?Safety ?Rescue ?Communications ?Meeting ?Training ?Planning ?Budgeting ?Team Work ?Preventive Maintenance ?Hygiene Which one is applicable at the family?
Eating and sleeping Pressure relieve Appearance Joy & pleasure Rest station after work Traditional Family Raising kids Partying Guest house Expenditure Demanding
5-T Model Teaching Tendencies Teamwork TakingCare Treatment