PRE-ASSESSMENT Visit my wiki page: Go to today’s lesson and click on the Padlet link Respond to the Padlet prompt Use your name so that the class and I may identify you Remember, use only appropriate responses! I will post our completed Padlet to the wiki page at the end of class.
“BONG HITS 4 JESUS” Now, on your own, answer the following questions in complete sentences: 1.Why was Joseph Fredrick suspended? 2.Who suspended Fredrick? 3.How did the Supreme Court rule and why? 4.If you were writing the decision in this case, how would you decide and why? After you answer, let’s discuss as a class! Now that we have discussed the case as a class, would you still decide the case the same way? Why or why not?
QUICK REVIEW What are the Bill of Rights? Why did the Anti-Federalists insist on the inclusion of the Bill of Rights when the Constitution was ratified? From whom do the Bill of Rights protect our freedoms from? What if the Federalists won the argument? How could or would American society look today if the Bill of Rights never found its way into the Constitution? Do you think American citizens take freedoms for granted? Why or why not?
THE FIRST AMENDMENT What are the 5 basic freedoms granted to citizens under the First Amendment? THINK-PAIR-SHARE: please find a partner in another part of the room and respond the following two questions: *Are these freedoms absolute/unlimited? Explain your response in at least 3 sentences. You may use examples to illustrate your argument. *What do you think TIME, PLACE, and MANNER restrictions are in the context of the First Amendment? Come up with some examples?
RELIGION Freedom of religion can be broken down into two categories: 1. Free Exercise: 2. Establishment Clause: Activity: Get into groups of 3, read the following scenarios, decide whether or not they violate the First Amendment. Be ready to explain why. The Church of Satan wants to use animal sacrifice as part of its religious ceremonies. The Hatachi Tribe uses peyote as part of its religious ceremonies. Monroe Township erects a giant Menorah on Perrineville Road. The federal government gives the Catholic Church $1,000, to buy textbooks for its Catholic School students.
ASSESSMENT POLL “How comfortable are you with the First Amendment?” Log on to Socrative, see Room Number on board Use A,B,C, or D to correspond to the “4321 Rubric” on the front bulletin board Are there any specific questions?
THINK-PAIR-SHARE: Come up with some reasonable TIME, PLACE, and MANNER restrictions the government has or should impose on the 2 nd Amendment. YOUR IDEAS: THE SECOND AMENDMENT
Forbids government from housing soldiers in private homes during peacetime without consent of owner Can one argue that this amendment is dated and irrelevant? Can it ever be relevant today? It was relevant at one time, when? Explain! THE THIRD AMENDMENT
Right against unreasonable search and seizure of “persons, houses, papers, effects” For most types of searches, police must obtain a court- issued search warrant based on PROBABLE CAUSE ACTIVITY: Form groups of 3-4 students and brainstorm answers to the following prompt… “What are some circumstances that searches may be conducted without warrants?" THE FOURTH AMENDMENT (What is the meaning of this political cartoon?)
EXIT TICKET Log on/open app to Socrative Complete an Exit Ticket which includes the following: Name Rate your learning from today’s lesson (see Learning Goals) List 3 things that your learning today Write down one question you need answered about the lesson