Johnson Elementary School A Professional Development School T The Year in Review
Report Overview Johnson School Goals What is a Professional Learning Community? Johnson School Exclusives
County Goals Two County Goals are established at each school. Goals are created using data collected by teachers. Need + action research = student improvement
Grade 1 – Number Sense Number sense is a valuable concept, a building block on which 1 st graders can begin to form a universal knowledge base. Students will be asked to identify numbers before, after and between specific numbers on a hundreds chart. Students will be asked to identify 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, than specified numbers on a hundreds chart. Pre and post assessments given and compared.
Grade 3 – Literacy “Running with Running Records” All students are expected to make gains as a result of our Guided Reading Program. Through increase training in Running Records, our 3 rd grade teachers will be able to utilize their data interpretation skills to more accurately inform their small group instruction. Data will be collected at the beginning of the year and at the beginning of each marking period. We anticipate that by the end of 3 rd grade, 90% of students will be reading at a Level P, or have made a gain of at least 3 reading levels or higher.
Not all goals are academic. Students are also expected to demonstrate positive behaviors in Non-academic areas.
Character Education Program Congratulations, Johnson School! Honorable Mention – New Jersey Schools of Character 2008 – 2009 Respect Responsibility Citizenship
What is a Professional Learning Community? In a Professional Learning Community, we ask the questions – What do we want children to learn? How will we know that they’ve learned it? What will we do if they have learned it? What will we do it they come to class already having mastered the material?
How do we know if students have learned? Formative Assessments Running Records Math Unit Assessments Teacher-made quizzes Math Communicators Holistic Scored Writing Samples Learnia Summative Assessments Teacher made tests Projects and Reports District Assessments DLA & Math NJ ASK
What do we do if they do not understand? At Johnson School, we are committed to Response to Intervention, or RTI. This is a Tiered Intervention Model.
Tiered Interventions Other Student Supports: Junior Achievement Kindergarten Enrichment Tutoring Program ESST services Buddy Classes Lunch Bunch In-class Support in grades 2 – 5 Resource Pull-out in grades 2 – 5 2 self-contained classrooms Full Time Guidance Counselor Learning Lab Periods for Intervention and Enrichment ELL program Book Mates Program Tier I In-class interventions, differentiation by classroom teacher. Title I tutoring program Learning Lab interventions Tier II Group pull-out by ESST. Grade level focal points provided by grade level teachers Tier III Individual pull-out by ESST Individual focal points provided by classroom teacher Tier IV Resource Room trial Individual focal points provided by classroom teacher
Featured at Johnson School Dedicated and supportive PTA Active Student Council, Environmental Club Fastt Math Program, Accelerated Reader
Your Vote Counts! Cherry Hill School District – Balancing Quality and Cost Consciousness When? Tuesday, April 21, 2009 from 2:00 – 9:00 PM Where? Your designated polling location