Electricité atmosphérique et Production d’oxydes d’azote par les éclairs: Etat des lieux et perspectives Christelle Barthe 1 et Jean-Pierre Pinty Laboratoire d’Aérologie 1 Now at National Center for Atmospheric Research 4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 ice water content [Petersen et al., 2005] ice flux [Deierling, 2006] precipitation rate [Baker et al., 1995; Soula and Chauzy, 2001] NO x production [Lee et al, 1997; Huntrieser et al., 1998] water vapor in the upper troposphere [Price, 2000] climate change index [Reeve and Toumi, 1999] tropical cyclones intensification [Molinari et al., 1994; Fierro et al., 2007] … - A better understanding of a cloud natural process … - An index of storm severity : hail, heavy precipitations, gust winds and … lightning flashes - Lightning flashes are routinely detected tracers of physical parameters ? Why to model the lightning flashes ?
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 Meso-NH-elec : flow chart Charges separation Charges transfer and transport Electric field computation Bidirectional leader Branches Charge neutralization NO x production E > E trig E > E prop Dynamical and microphysical processes yes no yes Barthe et al. [2005] Vertical extension of the flash Horizontal extension of the flash
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 Lightning flashes structure Volume of charge neutralized by an individual flash Barthe and Pinty [2007] Rison et al. [1999] Electric charges are neutralized along the flash channel leading to a decrease of the electric field
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 Lightning-produced NOx – July 10, 1996 STERAO storm Physical packages transport : MPDATA microphysics : ICE3 [ Pinty et Jabouille, 1998] electrical scheme [ Barthe et al., 2005] gas scavenging [C. Mari] LiNOx [ Barthe et al., 2007] flash length and depends on the altitude n NO (P) = a + b x P (10 21 molecules m -1 ) [ Wang et al., 1998] turbulence 3D : TKE [ Cuxart et al., 2000] Initialization 10 July STERAO storm 160 x 160 x 50 gridpoints with x = y = 1 km and z variable initial sounding + 3 warm bubbles [ Skamarock et al., 2000] chemical species profiles (HCHO, H 2 O 2, HNO 3, O 3, CO and NO x ) [ Barth et al., 2001]
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 July 10, 1996 STERAO storm: transition from multicell to supercell 2202 UTC 0102 UTC Meso-NH : 2048 flashes Defer et al. [2001] : 5428 flashes with 50% short duration flashes (< 1 km)
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 July 10, 1996 STERAO storm: LNOx production NO concentrations measured by the Citation at 11.6 km msl from 2305 to 2311 UTC, km downwind of the core [Dye et al., 2000] transport of NO x from the boundary layer to the upper troposphere (~ 200 pptv) LNOx production between 7500 and 13,500 m (peak value ~ 6000 pptv) and dilution (~ 1000 pptv) Vertical cross section of the NO x concentration and the total electric charge density (±0.1, ±0.3 and ± 0.5 nC m -3 ) in the multicellular stage Barthe et al. [2007]
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 July 10, 1996 STERAO storm: intercomparison exercise Intercomparison exercise STERAO: July 10, 1996 Barth et al., to be submitted to ACPD
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 Conclusions Full electric charge cycle in a mesoscale model charges separation, transfer, transport and neutralization Lightning flash treatment original branching scheme with wide horizontal extension good neutralization efficiency of the flash scheme Explicit formation of lightning-produced NO x great potential for gaseous chemistry Simulations in different idealized convective conditions squall line, supercell, multicell storms in 2D and 3D Cloud electrification crucial to reproduce the cloud polarity high sensitivity to the treatment of the NI processes [Barthe and Pinty, J. Geophys. Res., in revision] part of the code is implemented in the UK MetOffice LEM Ensemble simulations of electrified clouds [Pinty and Barthe, submitted to Month. Wea. Rev.]
4 th Meso-NH user’s MeetingApril 23-24, 2007 Perspectives Parallelization efficiency of the lightning algorithm Integration of the full electrical scheme in the next (4.8) version of Meso-NH ? (***) Explicit treatment of the ions (**) Sensitivity to surface properties for coronae effects (*) Real case simulations: MAP, TELEX, STEPS, AMMA, Mediterranean storms, COPS … (***) LNOx impact on some chemical species: HNO 3, O 3 … (***)