Collecting data & information Talking with teachers, administrators, service providers Progress Monitoring Consolidated Planning /Use of Data Alternative Individual Learning Plans Digital Learning Best Practices Curriculum, Assessment & Alignment: CIITS Unbridled Learning Accountability Model KSI/RTI Program Review Literacy Initiative Math Initiative School Readiness and Early Childhood Persistence to Graduation Course & Assessment Alignment Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Targeted Interventions Career Readiness Pathways Acceleration: Advance KY, Advance Placement, Project Lead the Way, Early College Designs Academic & Career Advising Priority Schools College & Career Readiness Proficiency & Achievement Educator Effectiveness Closing the Gap Preparing for Success
College & Career Readiness Proficiency & Achievement Educator Effectiveness Closing the Gap
College and Career Readiness Goals Increase the percentage of students who are college- and career-ready from 34 percent (16,320 students) to 67 percent (32,160 students) by Increase the Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate from 76 percent (36,480 students) to 90 percent (43,200 students) by 2015.
College and Career Readiness Strategies Persistence to Graduation Course & Assessment Alignment Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Targeted Interventions Career Readiness Pathways Acceleration: Advance KY, Advance Placement, Project Lead the Way, Early College Designs Academic & Career Advising Priority Schools
Proficiency Goals Increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary and middle school students. By 2015, increase the percentage of distinguished programs in the arts, PL/CS and writing as measured on Program Reviews. All children will be screened for kindergarten readiness by fall of Fifty percent more students will be ready for Kindergarten by 2014 based on 2012 baseline results. 90% of 3rd graders will be proficient in math and reading by 2015.
Proficiency Strategies Curriculum, Assessment & Alignment CIITS Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Kentucky System of Interventions/RTI Collection & Use of Data: Program Review Literacy Initiative Math Initiative School Readiness and Early Childhood
Gap Delivery Goal Increase achievement for all students in Kentucky so that the achievement gap decreases for all subgroups (African- American, Hispanic, Native American, With Disability, Free/Reduced Price Meals, Limited English Proficiency) from ___% in 2012 to ___% in 2017 as measured by school report cards. (A baseline will be established utilizing the Kentucky state assessment results in 2012.)
Progress Monitoring Consolidated Planning /Use of Data Alternative Individual Learning Plans Digital Learning Best Practices Gap Delivery Strategies
Educator Effectiveness Collecting data & information Talking with teachers, administrators, service providers Will continue to work and develop the plan