Circulatory System. What does the transport system do?  Carries O 2, CO 2, nutrients, hormones, wastes, cells of the immune system  Regulates body temp.


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Presentation transcript:

Circulatory System

What does the transport system do?  Carries O 2, CO 2, nutrients, hormones, wastes, cells of the immune system  Regulates body temp.

Circulatory System  Also known as the Cardiovascular System.  It carries needed substances to cells and carries waste products away from cells.

The Heart – pumps blood through body

Inside the heart

Blood Vessels  Arteries – carry blood away from heart – thick round muscular walls- no valves

Blood Vessels  Veins – carry blood to the heart – has valves to prevent backflow – thin flattened shape

Blood Vessels  Capillaries – one cell thick

What’s in blood?  Plasma –carries nutrients, wastes, and water  Red Blood Cells – carry oxygen and carbon dioxide  White Blood Cells – fight infections  Platelets – help with blood clotting

How do RBC’s carry Oxygen?  Hemoglobin – a protein found on RBC attaches itself to both oxygen and carbon dioxide

Pulmonary Circulation  Blood flows from the heart to the lungs where it picks up O 2 and loses CO 2 and water vapor

Pulmonary Circulation

Artery  Transports blood away from the heart.  Very Muscular  Very Elastic  Thick Muscle Walls  Aorta  Largest Artery  Carries oxygenated blood

Veins  Transports blood toward the Heart  Thinner walls  Valves  Prevents backflow  Carries deoxygenated blood

Capillaries  One celled microscopic blood vessels  Connect Arteries  Veins

Heart  Muscular organ pumps blood throughout the body  Valve  flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backwards.

 Atrium  2 upper chambers, receive blood that comes into the heart

 Ventricle  2 lower chambers, pumps blood out of heart

Pericardium  Covers and protects the heart

 What are the different types of molecules that are transported throughout the circulatory system?

Molecules that travel through Circ.  Nutrients from digested food  O 2 from the lungs  Metabolic wastes (CO 2 )

Molecules that travel through Circ.  Hormones  help coordinate activities in body  Heat  blood vessels constrict or relax

Regulation of Heartbeat  Pacemaker  located in the right atrium, sends out signals that make the heart muscle contract.  It receives messages about how much oxygen is present

A “Real Pacemaker”

Medical Pacemaker

High Blood Pressure  Disease caused when blood pressure in the arteries is increased by stress, diet, heredity, smoking, & aging.

Stroke  When an area of the brain dies because the area didn’t receive enough O 2

Heart Attack  Symptoms  sharp, crushing, squeezing pain in the chest, cold sweats, nausea, limb numbness  An area of the heart muscle dies and stops working

Coronary Thrombosis  Type of heart attack caused by blockage in one of the arteries that carry blood to the heart. Blockage of blood flow to the heart, damaged from lack of oxygen

Leukemia  Form of cancer in which bone marrow makes too many white blood cells

Anemia  When the blood doesn’t have enough hemoglobin or RBC causing body cells to not receive enough O 2

Arteriosclerosis  Fatty plaque builds up on wall of artery blocking normal blood flow

Amazing Heart Facts  Your heart is about the same size as your fist.  An average adult body contains about f five quarts of blood.

 By the time you turn 70, your heart will have beat some two- and-a-half billion times (figuring on an average of 70 beats per minute.)

  The risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week.  Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels.

 All the blood vessels in the body joined end to end would stretch 62,000 miles or two and a half times around the earth.

1.The heart circulates the body's blood supply about 1,000 times each day. 2. The heart pumps the equivalent of 5,000 to 6,000 quarts of blood each day.