CARLA – L’INFORMATA “The first thing I do in morning after drinking coffee is to check the latest news on Televideo to see what happened during the night. I also look up the Saint of the day to remember whose name day it is, and read the Horoscope even if I don’t belive in it and always forget it. If I find news that might be interesting for my son, I send him an SMS to tell him to check Televideo.”
CARLA – L’INFORMATA MOTIVATION: SELF Carla is 60 years old. She is married and has three adult sons and 3 grandchildren. She retired early but she regrets it now. She used to think ‘when I retire, I’ll do this and that’ but now that she does not work anymore everybody takes advantage of her free time. Carla lives with her husband and her youngest child in a small village not too far from town. Her house is the oldest in the village. She is very proud it and she has a picture on the wall of how the house looked 50 years ago. Carla spends most of the day at home. She likes to be alone and sometimes she doesn’t even answer the phone to avoid being bothered. When she is occupied with domestic activities, she keeps the TV or the radio on, depending on which room she is in. The sound gives her company and helps her to isolate herself if there are people at home. When she is alone, she keeps them on to avoid getting lost in her own thoughts.
CARLA – L’INFORMATA Her favourite activities are the ones that keep her busy without demanding too much effort. For example she loves to sit in her favourite armchair in the living room and relax reading classic litterature. Sometimes, if a sentence or a chacter comes to her mind, she looks for the novel where they belong and reads some passages. She also likes puzzles; she cut them out and keeps them for the moments where she wants to do something that doesn’t engage her brain too much. Twice a week, around 2 pm, she takes the car and goes to town to play Superenalotto.
CARLA – L’INFORMATA MOTIVATIONS: WORLD Carla needs to feel active and to know what happens around her. Therefore she frequently checks out the news on Televideo, both on RAI and Mediaset. She always watches TV news, two or three times per day. She watches different TV channels to get different points of view. Sometimes she watches TV documentaries if they treat interesting themes. For example she recently saw a program about cloning, but she also follows international politics, like the war on Iraq or the situation in Israel. Televideo and TV enable her to always be up to date without reading the newspapers. MOTIVATIONS: FAMILY Carla really enjoys talking with her family members, especially her sons, about current news and topics. If she finds a news item that strikes her, she calls one of her childeren to inform them If she doesn’t want to disturb, she sends an SMS. Also, her sons call her, usually at fixed hours during breaks at work. Carla also often calls her mother, even though she goes to see her every day.
CARLA – L’INFORMATA MOTIVATIONS: FRIENDS Sometimes Carla calls acquaintances, they are usually related to her family. She doesn’t really like people with very different opinions from her own. Certain kinds of attitudes really make her angry and she prefers to keep her ideas to herself. MOTIVATIONS: BEYOND Carla is not very interested in religious and spiritual life; she just searches on Televiedeo for the Saint of the day so she can remember to make greeting to people she knows. MOTIVATIONS: COMMUNITY The village were Carla lives is very small and she knows almost everybody, but only by their looks. She keeps informed by having a look at the local newspaper, especially the classifieds and the obituaries.
CARLA – L’INFORMATA MOTIVATIONS: MEDIA/DIMMITUTTO Carla has 3 telephones at home : a Sirio, a cordless and a traditional phone. She would like to have a plug in each room, so she could answer easily wherever she would be. She has a subscription with all the three italian operators. She uses Telecom mainly for the extra services: the answering machine, last number called (it is visualised), the 5 (if a number is occupied you are called when it gets free) and call waiting. She bought Sirio because it allows her to access these services more easily, by pressing a button. She uses Infostrada and Tele 2 when they offer better rates. She likes to be up to date about novelties; if she hears about a new service she calls 187 to get more information. Recently she discovered that she can pay the RAI licence fee calling a toll-free number. She thinks it’s an extremely convinient solution because she does not have to go to the post office. Moreover, they send her a receipt that helps her remember that she did the payment. “The telephone is a companion, it’s useful, and it keeps me from feeling lonely. If did not already exist, it should be invented.”
CARLA – L’INFORMATA Carla also owns a mobile phone. She only uses it when she is out or to send SMS’s. She finds SMS to be a good way to communicate in a discreet manner, without disturbing people, especially her son that works in a hospital. If she could choose, she would like the telephone to appear and disappear at her convenience. If the telephone had a voice, she would like a persuasive voice, like the one of Alberto Lupo. She would get bored if the telephone always did the same thing. RELATED SERVICES: ViVi EASE, ViVi LOCAL, ViVi QUIZ