Sometimes barter dollars are difficult to spend Not everyone accepts barter Under-supply of some types of businesses No online funds transfer to third parties You have to find someone who will accept your payment (via your account broker or membership directory) Under-supply of some businesses mean those with captive market can help to cause inflation Cannot send funds to non-merchants Oversupplied businesses may receive very few additional benefits from accepting barter dollars
What if your members could… Use their barter dollars just like cash Literally pay ANYONE, even non-barter exchange members SOLUTION ?
A totally new payment solution BUT MORE than just a payment solution Payment now made from your barter exchange members to anyone Barter dollars become more liquid Use it more like a bank account Able to pay anyone Incorporates elements of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) into the finance industry Members become part of the sales force Used as a tool to grow the barter exchange base OVERVIEW
Funds transfers from a barter exchange member to a non-member With valid addresses or SMS capable phone Every step of the process notified to both parties for added security SMS notification only sent if sender subscribed FUNCTIONS - MEMBERS
View which non-member recipients have accepted your pay-anyone transaction Members able to witness the power of PA payments first-hand Senders can cancel transfers if not accepted after a certain number of days Sender’s account debited only once the recipient has accepted the payment
View pending PA payments to non-members still in process. View how many non-members are now joining as a result of the new PA service. Reverse PA payments still pending (if payments made in error, etc). FUNCTIONS – EXCHANGE
Fully customizable , SMS notifications sent out to senders and recipients As with every other aspect of the system Charge fees to prospective members under a different pricing plan Give a concession to recipient on commission up to the amount of the PA payment received
Each step in the process notified to both sender and recipient Transaction only established once “Payment Successfully made” THE PAY ANYONE PROCESS
BENEFITS - MEMBERS Members more likely to make PA payments to non-member businesses that they want to send funds to Members themselves can actively get under-supplied businesses to accept barter dollars as payment because it is just like cash Joint sales promotion effort between the exchange and its members
BENEFITS - EXCHANGES Stronger co-operation between exchange and members Members become part of the sales force alongside the licensees sales department MLM Easily find out which business sector is most in demand to current members Focus sales effort on that sector Supply and demand of businesses matched Better customer (member) satisfaction A revenue earning tool more transactions = greater revenue
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