Sag of ZTF components Callahan 9/4/2014
Corrector Trim Plate analysis
Analytic solution using plate model from Roark and Young predicts 1g deflections of 468 microns. See MathCad model: sag of corrector.
FEA assumptions Float glass Thickness 3/8” [9.525mm] 1 g vertical (Z-axis) loads
FEA validation. See: sag of corrector Fine mesh model: 458 microns
Mesh density: Fine
Window sag assumptions Fused Silica Outer radius 4406mm Inner radius flat Max thickness in center 28mm
Fracture mechanics models determine the factor of safety for any given stress and probability if success. See MathCad model: Design Strength- Fused silica by Callahan At 99% survival probability the maximum yield strength is 36 MPa. The Factor of Safety, FOS, can now be calculated for any given applied stress. The current stress in the ZTF window at 1 atm (14.7psi) is 10.5 MPa with a FOS=3.4 At an over-pressure of 1.25 x 14.7psi the FOS decreases to 2.7.
Z-deflection max 209 microns
Mesh density
What is the contribution of gravity loading (opposite direction to the pressure load) Very small ~1.2 microns
Calculate the sag of the focal plane under 1g Assume CCD’s weigh 174 gm each x 27 Force 27.3 N 1g Z-axis
Analyze final window design Fused Silica Supported on Delrin “cushions” Apply various pressures (1 atm)
Max principal stress
Add line pressure at O-ring center. See Parker O-ring handbook to determine the line pressure. I used a typical mid-value of 2 lbs/in. See: 700%20Parker_O-Ring_Handbook.pdf 700%20Parker_O-Ring_Handbook.pdf
Add 2 lb/in line pressure at O-ring center Max principal stress increased to 12 psi.
Substitute Delrin support at the outer location. Stress decreases to 6.0 Mpa!!! Use rough contact between outer delrin and window to allow separation.
Max principal 6.0MPa! Lowest stress yet… very uniform. May be artifically low due to bonded contracts at cushions.
Deflection under 1 atm ~100 microns
Update model 3mm thick delrin Gasket model (1/4 model) 8.9MPa Max Principal stress At 99% probability of survival fused silica has a maximum strength of 36MPa. Ths means we have a Factor of safety of 4.0.
Change gasket to steel to simulate equal support does not change the stress significantly. Max ~8.91 MPa Stress due to ends separating from gasket are still high.
To determine the effect of the separeation of the window from the gasket at the corners I fixed the vertical displacement (Z) of the corner. Stress only reduced to 8.3 Mpa.
Reduce gasket to uniform 0.24” width. Use Delrin. Stress increases to 9.7MPa
Change gasket to steel to see how stiffening effects stress. No change
Increase gasket width to 13.4mm (previously 6.1mm) reduces stress to 8.7MPa
Sag Absolute 7.3 microns
Sag under 1g plus weight of CCD package (174gm)
New cable clearance hole size