After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian
Bronze coin of Emperor Julian the Apostate
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian II. Increasing Intolerance: The Reign of Theodosius I ( )
Emperor Theodosius I ( )
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian II. Increasing Intolerance: The Reign of Theodosius I ( ) A. Late Roman Law
“They shall be smitten first by divine vengeance and afterwards by the retribution of our punishment, which we shall assume in accordance with the judgment of heaven.” Edict of Theodosius I (Theodosian Code)
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian II. Increasing Intolerance: The Reign of Theodosius I ( ) A. Late Roman Law B. Anti-Pagan Violence
Statue of the Pagan God, Serapis
Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria, standing on the ruins of the Serapeum (fragment of fifth-century Alexandrian chronicle )
Ruins of the Serapeum The Serapeum (Alexandria), destroyed in 391
Defacement of Egyptian hieroglyph by Christian monks
Christian Graffiti: Pagan Statues marked with sign of the cross
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian II. Increasing Intolerance: The Reign of Theodosius I ( ) A. Late Roman Law B. Anti-Pagan Violence C. The Role of Bishops: The Ambrose-Symmachus Affair
Bishop Ambrose of Milan
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian II. Increasing Intolerance: The Reign of Theodosius I ( ) A. Late Roman Law B. Anti-Pagan Violence C. The Role of Bishops: The Ambrose-Symmachus Affair D. Jews & Heretics
“Ambrose of Milan Expelling Jews or Arians” (Illuminated manuscript, fifteenth century, from Morgan Library, New York, M , © Morgan Library)
“Augustine of Hippo Refuting Heretic,” (Illuminated manuscript, thirteenth century, from Morgan Library, New York, M. 92, © Morgan Library)
“We prosecute all heresies and perfidies, all schisms and superstitions of the pagans, all doctrines inimical to the Catholic faith.” - Theodosian Code, 425
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian II. Increasing Intolerance: The Reign of Theodosius I ( ) A. Late Roman Law B. Anti-Pagan Violence C. The Role of Bishops: The Ambrose-Symmachus Affair D. Jews & Heretics III. Slow Christianization
After Julian: Pagans, Jews, & Heretics in the “Christian” Roman Empire I. The Response to Julian II. Increasing Intolerance: The Reign of Theodosius I ( ) A. Late Roman Law B. Anti-Pagan Violence C. The Role of Bishops: The Ambrose-Symmachus Affair D. Jews & Heretics III. Slow Christianization A. Social & Cultural Factors in Conversion