Jupiter (Greek); Zeus (Roman) Parents- Cronus and Rhea Birthplace- Diktaion cave, he was nursed by Amaltheia, and was guarded by shield-clashing Kouretes Sphere of Influence- Sky and Lord of Olympus Attributes- beard and long hair; scepter, eagle, cornucopia, aegis, ram, and lion Favorite place- Crete
Statue of Zeus from 1 st to 2 nd Century A.D I chose this picture because clearly resembles Zeus as he was portrayed by the Greeks and Romans. It shows him on his throne of power looking over everyone around him. This picture also might be showing him telling people commands since his left hand is up in the air in the fashion that he is directing someone. This picture also shows many attributes of him. It shows that Zeus has a large beard and very long hair. In his right hand, it also seems like he is holding a lightning bolt of some kind. This resembles the power he had and what he was the god of; the sky.
Modern Art of Zeus This picture of Zeus also shows both his power and his attributes. It shows him with a beard and very long hair. It also shows him in a toga like many resemblances have him in. In the front of the picture you can clearly see a giant lightning bolt clutched in his fist. His eyes also show that he knows the power he can unleash. In this painting, there is also an additional thing. In the background, there is sky and wind blowing around him. This is fitting because he is the god of the sky.
Zeus Bibliography "ZEUS : Greek King of the Gods, God of Sky & Weather ; Mythology ; Pictures : JUPITER." THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art Web. 06 Oct Gill, By N.s. "Zeus - Who Is the Greek God Zeus." Ancient / Classical History - Ancient Greece & Rome & Classics Research Guide Web. 06 Oct "Google Image Result for Google Web. 06 Oct greek-mythology _1024_768.jpg&imgrefurl= mythology/images/687267&usg=__hNZS7DQiBGfJHg8hmp7- DZvzioc=&h=768&w=1024&sz=103&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=P3OrO5yV- X7woM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpicture%2Bof%2Bzeus%26um%3D1%26h l%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1