Home Activities Dr. Robin Kay UOIT
Giving Home Activities Typical pattern: Assign questions from textbook Even number questions (with no answers) Checked in a cursory manner at best You need to purposefully select problems Practicing Skills Laying groundwork for next day Often a challenge question Completing/Summarizing a rich problem done in class You can use many of the consolidation activities
Giving Home Activities Practicing Skills If you understand concepts, 3-5 problems is probably enough If you don’t understand, 3-5 problems is enough to know that you need to get help BUT you might give more for basic skills like multiplication tables
Checking Home Activities Strategy 1 Students put problems on board and check Strategy 2 Ask which problems are most difficult; asks students to put them on the board Strategy 3 Students discuss, check and correct work in groups Strategy 4 Students hand in work and teacher assesses
Final Thoughts Do I really need to assign homework? Are the home activities worthwhile? Will the home activities enhance learning/teaching? Will the home activities assist me in making reasonable inferences about a student’s progress